You convinced an uneducated mother that she is related to monkeys?
It's sufficient to visit a zoo to prove that humans are closely related to apes.
Truly, who could look into these eyes and not feel the spark of kinship? You'd have to be some kind of psychopath. I don't understand how creationists can go to the zoo and not leave convinced of the truth of evolution. I've never been able to understand that.
I am impressed really, that you actually had the nerve to try to brag about confusing the hell out of a woman who was probably perfectly content believing there was a loving caring God out there looking out for her and her children.
I missed the part in Glowby's story where he convinced the single mom to become an atheist. Can you identify that part by quoting the relevant passage? Otherwise it seems like you're criticizing him for something that he didn't actually do.