Suggestion concerning the big chunk of scripture you quoted.
To make reading easier, I suggest breaking it into paragraphs or just quote the part at the end you referred to and link to the page where people can read the whole story if they choose.
Even the NIV and KJJV have it broken into paragraphs. Makes for easier reading on the screen.
I'm not sure Bible Study is the right forum. Bible Study is on the religious side and the description is: What does the Bible really mean?
The Accurracy and Inerrancy thread on the science side says in the description: Is the Bible the inerrant word of God? Or is it the words of men?
You seem to be looking at the reality behind the Bible, which might do better on the science side.
If you want it on the religious side, Faith and Belief may be a better fit. I don't feel you're looking at what the Bible really means.