Although this reply is veering slighly offtopic...I have never understood how cretins (xians mostly) are claiming to be morally superior to us minnows of satan,.
My experience with religious people (I used to be one, too), is different.
The one’s I have met and still meet certainly don’t think they are morally superior to me and most of them also acknowledge that they don’t get all their moral values from the Bible. I have to add that I usually refer to the very unpleasant verses in the Bible they never heard about before. They don’t have enough knowledge about it to try apologetics.
On the net I see all these real fundies and funnies. In real life, I don’t normally. The only fundie I listened to in my church set me off on the path of atheism.
The ones I meet just believe their Ministers, Vicars, Priests, or whatever. The Muslims I meet are exactly the same. No fundamentalism around. (Well, I work in a Scientific Institution). Even all the the Muslims I meet accept an old earth and the Theory of Evolution, too.
.they see no problem in outright lying to suit their agenda.
All creation scientists have to tell porkies. The people who quote those scientists on the internet also have to tell porkies. That’s all they have.
I believe I am not very wrong when I claim that creationism is based on ignorance and stupidity and all it produces is hypocrisy, distortion of truth and more ignorance.
You’re 100% correct on that one. That’s all they have.
This applies well in this topic as well - when no fact suits their claims then in comes distortion of known facts. Wallabies have never traveled from Australia to Turkey and back, period.
Geography and evolution tied that Wallaby down. It doesn’t matter how many times creation scientists invoke wishful thinking and magic. Wishful thinking does not change facts.
Edited by Pressie, : Changed the words "lie" and "lied" to tell porkies to avoid those stars.
Edited by Pressie, : No reason given.