jar writes:
The best reason for you to hope and believe that Global Warming is anthropomorphic climate change is that that is the best possible scenario if humans are to survive it. It is only those anthropomorphic contributions that we have any hope of addressing in a reasonable period of time.
I'm not a climate change sceptic. But I am a solution sceptic. I think we have already left it too late to realistically do anything meaningful about climate change and that we would be best served by seeking to predict what the effects will be and how best to mitigate them.
Investing in flood defences, working out how we are going to feed the world population with more extreme weather conditions disrupting agricultural production capacity, evaluating which parts of the world are likely to be worst hit by climate change related natural disasters etc. etc.
I think we need to start looking as much into these things as we do ways of reducing CO2 emissions.