You still are not understanding. There has been a huge change in sunspot activity since the little ice age.
Ok the little ice age lasted from 1560 to 1850, we dont have sunspot data from 1560 but we do have some sunspot data from 1750 and onwards
And i dont see any major changes in sunspot activity from that date to now. Now tell me how do you know sunspots where the cause of the little ice age and are the cause of today's climate changes if there is relatively no change and we dont have any records of changes?
You accuse scientists making up evidence about global warming but you dont even provide any evidence for your assertions.
So fare numerous possible culprtis could be responsible for the little ice age
1. solar activity but its mainly pinned there because we dont understand the corealations between sunspot activity and raising and lowering of temperatures.
2. More probable vulcanic activity douring that period the earth had an increase in vulcanic activity and THAT HAS BEEN KNOWN to cause cooling periods.
3. Orbital cycles there was a long term trend of cooling caused by the earth's orbital cycles causeing a rough 0.2 degree cooling per century, well except in the last century when we started to warm things up with a blanket of CO2
4. Ocean conveyor slowdown possiby slowed down do to the warming period before the littl ice age
5. Decreased human populations yea we had an impact back then too mainly by cutting down trees and douring that period an a little before it there was a huge decline in human population meaning no agriculture and a whole lot of CO2 could have been reabsorbed in to lovely trees
Edited by frako, : No reason given.
Christianity, One woman's lie about an affair that got seriously out of hand
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