Do you actually have a response for the fact that discussing Biblical support for slavery is not the same as claiming that Christianity is responsible for all slavery?
Yeah well let me see what I can find about what Jesus said about slavery...
But again...we get admittedly entertaining graphics instead of substance in a post from Artemis.
LOL bech pleeze. I am a product of my environment, and this is that environment. NOBODY is about substance!
The Scientists are here to troll and tease the creationists
The Liberals are here to make fun of conservatives
and some of us are just here to make fun of everyone.!?! that is the funniest post of the week. Thumbs up. LOL
It would never matter what i stated, I will always get negatives, and people will always be a bunch of dicks. "if you can't beat then join em" and I R a dik too.
Why are you here, and not on 4chan?
what the fuck is 4chan? sounds nerdy. you probably have to be real nerdy to know that stuff.