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Author Topic:   Evolution is not Abiogenesis
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From: Ky U.S.
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Message 109 of 251 (654096)
02-26-2012 8:59 PM
Reply to: Message 4 by Tangle
02-22-2012 1:37 PM

Re: Analogies
Tangle writes:
Taq writes:
The theory of evolution no more depends on the ultimate origin of life than our understanding of chemical interactions depends on the ultimate origin of matter.
I suppose we'd better get this one on the table from the start because it's a deal breaker.
Those that say that evolution is not true because it doesn't incorporate how life started MUST give a credible answer to this question
How would the ToE be affected if a pair of replicating molecules got here by any of the different ways we can think of? Including:
1. God did it
2. A meteor brought it
3. Aliens planted it
4. Alphabet primordial soup cooked it up
5. any other idea
(It will be necessary for the creationist to put aside their belief that evolution isn't true and treat this as a puzzle in logic and reason.)
Though some may, I don’t think every creationist claims that evolution isn’t true because it doesn’t incorporate how life started, I think many (such as myself) claim that evolution, that is ~all claims about evolution~ are less factual/believable THAN THEY WOULD OTHERWISE BE if evolution had more scientific facts about naturalistic origins of life.
I’ll gladly stand corrected if anyone can prove me wrong, but the adamant separation of evolution from abiogenesis seems to be a very recent occurrence only. I know of no evidence that indicates that any scientist from the early/mid 20th century had any reason to separate them. At that time, the simplest forms of life were thought to be simple lumps of protoplasm, and the primordial soup formation of life from non-life was thought to be an evolutionary process that was just around the corner from being solved. It has only been in the last few decades that science has learned that a naturalistic, evolutionary formation of life from non-life is speculative and loaded with gaps, and cannot come close to fulfilling the criteria that science has set for ID to become science. That is the reason there is so much recent effort to separate evolution from abiogenesis. Again, if anyone can show me authentic documentation from as late as 1953 (the date of the Miller/Urey experiment) that shows scientists falling all over themselves to separate evolution from abiogeneis as they are today, then I stand corrected. But I won’t be holding my breath.
Now, to repeat this question;
How would the ToE be affected if a pair of replicating molecules got here by any of the different ways we can think of? Including:
1. God did it
2. A meteor brought it
3. Aliens planted it
4. Alphabet primordial soup cooked it up
5. any other idea
I can’t say that it would be affected, and don’t claim that it would be. But the reason I don’t mind seeing that question asked is because I never see the following question being answered by evolutionists;
How would any study of ID be affected if the designer was;
*The Christian God
*The Flying Spaghetti Monster
*Spacemen from another planet
*Any other idea
After all, this statement is always made, and agreed to, by evolutionists; (from another thread)
Until Intelligent Design presents the Designer and the method/model used by that Designer to influence evolution it should only be mocked, condemned, disparaged, challenged, questioned and illuminated as the con job it really is.
How would ID be affected? Put-downs of ID aren’t an answer, any more than put downs of evolution are an answer to your question. Can anyone explain the evolutionist double standard to me?

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 Message 4 by Tangle, posted 02-22-2012 1:37 PM Tangle has replied

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 Message 110 by jar, posted 02-26-2012 9:14 PM marc9000 has replied
 Message 111 by RAZD, posted 02-26-2012 9:43 PM marc9000 has replied
 Message 117 by Omnivorous, posted 02-27-2012 12:30 AM marc9000 has not replied
 Message 119 by PaulK, posted 02-27-2012 1:38 AM marc9000 has not replied
 Message 120 by Tangle, posted 02-27-2012 4:01 AM marc9000 has replied
 Message 123 by subbie, posted 02-27-2012 10:31 AM marc9000 has replied
 Message 124 by Granny Magda, posted 02-27-2012 11:30 AM marc9000 has not replied
 Message 127 by Taq, posted 02-27-2012 2:31 PM marc9000 has replied

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Posts: 1536
From: Ky U.S.
Joined: 12-25-2009
Member Rating: 1.0

Message 112 of 251 (654105)
02-26-2012 9:50 PM
Reply to: Message 110 by jar
02-26-2012 9:14 PM

Re: Analogies
What double standard?
The two claims are perfectly comparable. Evolutionists claim that evolution doesn't need to identify origins of life, and IDists claim that ID doesn't have to identify the designer. If one is true, the other is true. If one is false, the other is false. Evolutionists claim that one is true, and the other is false. It's a double standard - I can't make it any clearer than that.
What you quoted is simply a fact, the truth, an example of honesty.
No, it's only your assertion, if you can't show how the study of ID would be affected if the designer was God, or space aliens.
Note that the quote starts with the term "Until" and then lists the requirements that ID will need to satisfy before being considered as an explanation.
Yes I know, the "list of requirements", a list that no other scientific study has ever been required to pass before it became science. If one scientific study has to pass a list of requirements, and another scientific study (such as the SETI Institute) does not, then we have still another double standard.

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 Message 110 by jar, posted 02-26-2012 9:14 PM jar has replied

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 Message 122 by jar, posted 02-27-2012 9:43 AM marc9000 has replied
 Message 129 by Blue Jay, posted 02-27-2012 4:22 PM marc9000 has replied

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From: Ky U.S.
Joined: 12-25-2009
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Message 113 of 251 (654108)
02-26-2012 10:07 PM
Reply to: Message 111 by RAZD
02-26-2012 9:43 PM

Re: persecution issues again?
Hi marc9000, still carrying that conspiracy theory baggage around?
No, just addressing double standards. I leave the hysterical cries that studying ID equals hog-tying and dragging atheists into church to others.
Curiously, I can't recall that question ever being asked.
Well I'm asking it now. Am I somehow too late?
I can recall such concepts being discussed in the presentation of ID as a "get out of creationism" card (ie that because the designer is not identified it could be a god, aliens or space debris falling on earth). This is usually presented as a wink-wink nudge-nudge attempt to palm the pea by the proponents, that then, amusingly, go on to describe how their god is the designer.
Just like abiogenesis is presented as a wink wink nudge nudge attempt to declare that there is no God, and that we'll somehow figure out naturalistic abiogenesis, if given enough time and public money?
Curiously, science doesn't care if you find science believable, it cares whether or not there is objective evidence to test the hypothesis, validate it, falsify it, and whether it can make useful predictions for further tests.
And it can't do that with abiogenesis, and that's why references to, and even entire threads are started, to shout over and over and over again that evolution and abiogenesis dont' have a thing in the world to do with each other.
Evolution has done this for 150+ years, so if you don't find the results of those tests believable, it is of little concern to science. You can lead a hoarse creationist to water.
And in year one of those 150 years, it didn't have a list of requirements to pass.
If, however, you can falsify evolution then by all means step forward and do so - because then science will pay attention.
That doesn't have one thing to do with this thread's topic. But I know you'll get a whole list of pretty green dots for saying it.
Without producing a similar mountain of evidence, it should be painfully clear to any impartial observer that there is no double standard here.
It doesn't have anything to do with amounts of evidence. Even if the amounts of evidence are lopsided, the double standards still exist. Unless of course, you can show how ID would be affected depending on who the designer is. I'm still waiting.

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 Message 111 by RAZD, posted 02-26-2012 9:43 PM RAZD has replied

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 Message 114 by RAZD, posted 02-26-2012 10:27 PM marc9000 has replied
 Message 121 by Warthog, posted 02-27-2012 5:32 AM marc9000 has replied

Suspended Member
Posts: 1536
From: Ky U.S.
Joined: 12-25-2009
Member Rating: 1.0

Message 115 of 251 (654113)
02-26-2012 11:04 PM
Reply to: Message 114 by RAZD
02-26-2012 10:27 PM

Re: persecution issues again?
Except that science has already been done in the field of abiogenesis, hypothesis have been tested and some have been discarded. Much has been done in the area of replicating molecules (there are now several known self-replicating molecules).
Because it's already in the public realm of science, and is of great interest to atheists. 93% of the National Academy of Sciences are atheists. They are in control of science.
marc9000 writes:
And it can't do that with abiogenesis, and that's why references to, and even entire threads are started, to shout over and over and over again that evolution and abiogenesis dont' have a thing in the world to do with each other.
Including the one you started on abiogenesis ....?
Uh no, the one I started didn't have a thing to do with a separation of evolution and abiogenesis.
Curiously though, hypothesis ARE being tested. Results ARE being obtained. Hard to conceive how that is possible if what you say is true.
It's not hard to conceive at all if it's part of science, is of great interest to atheists, and was not required to pass entrance tests to become science.
And amusingly, once again, if what you say is true, that there was no "list of requirements to pass" ... they somehow actually were passed: Darwin in year one of those 150 years listed objective evidence and tests of his theory in his book on the origin of species.
And even more amusingly, 'Origin of Species' was NOT peer reviewed material, something that's always required of ID! Still another double standard.
We've had this discussion before marc9000, where you agreed that abiogenesis met the standard for science, even ones found in pre-Darwin dictionary definitions, but could not show that ID did, nor could you show that the definition of science changed substantially in order to exclude ID -- as you had claimed.
Do you want me to pull them out and reference them?
No, that was a different discussion, it much more directly compared abiogenesis and ID than this thread does, and your personal opinions/summarizations of what I actually said mean little. I'd rather you didn't post something completely off topic and get this thread closed down. I'd rather you or anyone would answer two simple questions I've posed above, once again they are;
1) How would studies of ID be affected depending on the identity of the designer, and
2) Where is documentation that shows that the scientific community was trying to separate evolution from abiogenesis before 1953?
Question 1 mirrors the question that's the topic of the thread, and question 2 is also very much on-topic.

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 Message 114 by RAZD, posted 02-26-2012 10:27 PM RAZD has seen this message but not replied

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 Message 125 by Tanypteryx, posted 02-27-2012 1:09 PM marc9000 has not replied
 Message 128 by Taq, posted 02-27-2012 2:40 PM marc9000 has not replied

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From: Ky U.S.
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Message 130 of 251 (654280)
02-28-2012 8:20 PM
Reply to: Message 120 by Tangle
02-27-2012 4:01 AM

Re: Analogies
I think you need to ask yourself though, what you will think when science starts building life from chemistry and has some credible models for how life started? To be honest, I don't think it would make a difference to what you feel about evolution.
You seem confident that they’re going to do that, in spite of the recently discovered complexity of the simplest forms of life. I’m not saying they absolutely won’t, (intelligent designers, whether they’re scientists or God, can do amazing things) but it won’t make much difference to what I feel about evolution, or fundamental Christianity. Just because scientists finally figure out a way to create life doesn’t automatically mean life happened naturalistically.
But your question goes both ways, would what you feel about religion or evolution change if ID proponents get on a roll with a lot of peer reviewed papers? If the scientific peer reviewers had no choice but to take them seriously, or risk an obvious exposure of being biased? After all, many feel they're already doing that, and the number of those who feel that way may be increasing.
marc9000 writes:
How would any study of ID be affected if the designer was;
*The Christian God
*The Flying Spaghetti Monster
*Spacemen from another planet
*Any other idea
It wouldn't be affected at all. Does that help?
Yes it does — I appreciate your honesty. I don’t claim a major victory because you said it, it just shows that there is some disagreement among evolutionists about what ID is, how it is defined, how serious a threat it could be to current scientific studies. It could make a difference in future court cases, when ID is painted as strictly religious by only some evolutionists, not all.

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 Message 120 by Tangle, posted 02-27-2012 4:01 AM Tangle has replied

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 Message 137 by Omnivorous, posted 02-28-2012 9:32 PM marc9000 has replied
 Message 148 by Tangle, posted 02-29-2012 3:29 AM marc9000 has replied
 Message 149 by Trixie, posted 02-29-2012 4:11 AM marc9000 has replied

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From: Ky U.S.
Joined: 12-25-2009
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Message 131 of 251 (654281)
02-28-2012 8:30 PM
Reply to: Message 121 by Warthog
02-27-2012 5:32 AM

Re: persecution issues again?
Marc, I can't figure out what list of requirements you are referring to.
ID is always accused of not being science, because it's claimed by evolutionists that it isn’t testable, repeatable, observable, falsifiable, and several other things. But many things that it can do as defined by its prominent proponents like Behe and Dembski can meet some of that criteria to a better extent than a few current scientific disciplines do, such as the SETI Institute.
The list from your link;
Ask a Question
Do Background Research
Construct a Hypothesis
Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment
Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion
Communicate Your Results
This seems to be one of many 'scientific method' lists, and is subjective in how it’s applied. SETI hasn’t yet gotten past number 2, yet there are always rationalizations about how it is still science. ID in some cases does them all, and is still not accepted as science.
In year one and onwards, Darwins ToE was one of the most hotly contested theories around. It went through the same purge by fire that ID is having now.
It wasn’t the same. Those were simpler times, it didn’t have to face costly court battles to be accepted as science. It was hotly contested by a large percentage of the population to be sure, but it wasn’t kept from public scientific inquiry like ID is today. As evolutionists constantly claim, the Discovery Institute or any private organization is free to study ID on its own all it wants, but in this day and age, it isn’t as simple as it was back then. The Discovery Institute may be making more progress on it than is being publicly disclosed right now.
Both creationists and IDers approach the argument using an engineering design process, beginning with the assumption of a creator, which science does not do. Because of this they construct an argument that must include a creator. ID is not simply another viewpoint - it depends on faith in a creator. Without evidence of this, how can we call it science?
Current science does the same thing. It begins with an assumption that there can’t be a creator. They take some evidence, disregard other evidence, and construct an argument that cannot include a creator.
On a more serious note, ID would change according to the faith of ID advocates i.e. whether they believe in the christian god (as the huge majority do) or in the Great Green Arkleseizure. This is exactly the problem.
ID would not change its method of study. It is a materialistic study that is defined, and not just any religious zealot isn't automatically authorized to define it. Behe and Dembski aren't zealots.
But what we’re seeing evidence of is that today’s accepted scientific study has changed according to the faith (atheism) of the majority of its advocates.
Edited by marc9000, : No reason given.

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From: Ky U.S.
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Member Rating: 1.0

Message 132 of 251 (654282)
02-28-2012 8:38 PM
Reply to: Message 122 by jar
02-27-2012 9:43 AM

Re: Analogies
I'm sorry but what is clear is that what you posted and I quoted above is not true, but false.
I will try once again to explain it to you. If you do not understand some of the words I use, please just ask and I'll try to explain their meaning for you.
There is no double standard.
There is evidence life exists. The Theory of Evolution describes the model and method for that life to evolve, the model and method that explains the diversity of life that we see evidenced over time.
Irrelevant. We’re comparing IDENTITIES, of life’s origins, and of a designer.
The question of how that life changed is entirely unrelated to the origin of that life; but that does not mean that the origin of life is not something worthy of study and in fact there is the whole area of Abiogenesis that does study just that, the Origin of Life. And as of this moment Abiogenesis says "We don't yet know how life started".
Agreed. The steps/requirements of following the scientific method aren’t working for it. Still largely irrelevant though.
Now Intelligent Design though makes a claim that there is some Designer and that that Designer uses some unspecified model and method to create the diversity of life we see evidenced over time. Intelligent Design claims a Designer, yet presents no evidence that Designer exists.
It makes a claim that we may be able to identify evidence of that designer, without necessarily identifying the designer. It’s the same as if a person buys an old house, with the intention of gutting it and rebuilding it, taking note of its design along the way. He doesn’t necessarily know, or care, who the original designer was.
No double Standard.
You never really addressed the ~identity~ issue, but you still insist there is no double standard in my analyzation of that issue. If you and I were having this face-off in a court, I think I’d win. (unless of course, the judge was the honorable John Q. Jones) Future ID case judges may not be just like him.

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 Message 133 by jar, posted 02-28-2012 8:45 PM marc9000 has not replied

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From: Ky U.S.
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Message 134 of 251 (654284)
02-28-2012 8:49 PM
Reply to: Message 123 by subbie
02-27-2012 10:31 AM

Re: Analogies
Well, the first thing that comes to my mind is that each of those possible answers raises the question, "What was their motivation?" Because of their shared history, I might expect that the answer for the Christian god and for Allah would be similar. A second question that comes to mind is, "How did they accomplish this?"
There, now you can cross that off the list of questions that you never see "evolutionists" answer.
Not really, because you don’t show enough knowledge of what ID actually is. Motivation of a designer isn’t formally involved. If a diverse group of scientists are studying for signs of intelligence in nature, and they form personal opinions of the designers motivation, that’s their own personal business. But the entire group of scientists aren’t going to be in enough of an agreement about motivation to settle on a criteria to study it, or identify the designer. IMO there would be far more diversity in this regard among ID scientists that there currently is in evolutionary scientists about atheism.
marc9000 writes:
I think many (such as myself) claim that evolution, that is ~all claims about evolution~ are less factual/believable THAN THEY WOULD OTHERWISE BE if evolution had more scientific facts about naturalistic origins of life.
The things that we believe we know about evolution are based on the evidence we see. Evolution is about biology. It is about how organisms that recreate imperfectly in an environment of scarce resources compete and change over time. Questions about how life began deal with chemistry, how different elements and molecules combine together, and with what the conditions were on the planet billions of years ago. They are quite simply two different fields of inquiry. What do unanswered questions in one field have to do with evidence that we now have in hand in the other?
Some claims that are made about evolution can be more acceptable/factual than others. 'Change over time' is more factual than is common ancestry/common descent. As more and more conclusions are drawn about what evolution is, what it has done, more and more philosophy creeps in.

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 Message 123 by subbie, posted 02-27-2012 10:31 AM subbie has replied

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 Message 146 by subbie, posted 02-29-2012 12:20 AM marc9000 has replied

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Posts: 1536
From: Ky U.S.
Joined: 12-25-2009
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Message 135 of 251 (654285)
02-28-2012 8:53 PM
Reply to: Message 127 by Taq
02-27-2012 2:31 PM

Re: Analogies
Fine then. Let's blend them into the same thing. Abiogenesis and evolution are now the same. I don't think you will like this result, however.
So have we observed abiogenesis? Yep, sure have. Here is a great paper demonstrating abiogenesis:
Replica Plating and Indirect Selection of Bacterial Mutants (Lederberg and Lederberg, 1952)
In this paper they do a great job of outline how bacterial mutation is random with respect to fitness and how these mutations are selected. This is a direct observation of abiogenesis (remember, you are not allowed to separate the two).
Does this work for you? Are you going to argue against this and claim that we should separate evolution and abiogenesis?
Haha, I really have no opinion on it. I'm wondering what this threads opening poster thinks about your link!

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 Message 127 by Taq, posted 02-27-2012 2:31 PM Taq has replied

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 Message 156 by Taq, posted 02-29-2012 11:46 AM marc9000 has replied

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From: Ky U.S.
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Message 136 of 251 (654286)
02-28-2012 9:09 PM
Reply to: Message 129 by Blue Jay
02-27-2012 4:22 PM

Re: Analogies
First, I will agree that you don't technically have to identify the Designer. However, you do have to give some sort of explanation as to how he/she/it/they did the Designing, and how we could clearly and legitimately distinguish things that emerge from this Design process from things that emerge through non-Design processes. The work in this area so far has been... unconvincing, to say the least.
I don’t see why that explanation has to be given. The current scientific community doesn’t legitimately distinguish between the simplest forms of life and evolution, and as has been learned only recently, the simplest forms of life are very complex.
Second, as you have undoubtedly been told by evolutionists before, there are two separate phenomena representing two separate phases of the history of life: the origin of life, and its subsequent development/modification.
As you can see by the two messages before yours (127 & 128)t he evolutionists have been very confusing about those two separate phenomena in this thread alone. I wonder if the threads starter will respond to that?
Obviously, no hypothesis should be required to explain both phases, since it is perfectly valid to propose that the two phases of life's history functioned on different principles.
To that end, evolutionists don't demand that ID/creation models explain everything as a result of a Design process. For example, we don't expect you to explain antibiotic-resistant bacteria as the result of de novo creations of the Designer: we are perfectly happy to let you explain it through mutations and natural selection, if you want.
Which people like Behe and Dembski readily do.
In contrast, you are requiring our model to explain both phenomena with one hypothesis, so much so that you refuse to accept our explanation for one phenomenon unless we have a similar explanation for the other phenomenon.
This seems like a double standard to me.
The study of ID accepts and works with the more basic claims of evolution, as do I as a religious person. (for example, I don't believe Noah's arc held hundreds of different breeds of dogs) Since most anti religious/ anti ID people believe in common descent, they're relying on the first single celled organism as a beginning for their belief in evolution. Since they're so faithful/committed to that organism, they should be more faithful/committed to its origin. Does that make sense?

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 Message 129 by Blue Jay, posted 02-27-2012 4:22 PM Blue Jay has replied

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 Message 140 by marc9000, posted 02-28-2012 10:31 PM marc9000 has not replied
 Message 144 by Blue Jay, posted 02-28-2012 11:00 PM marc9000 has replied
 Message 191 by Taq, posted 03-06-2012 7:46 PM marc9000 has replied

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From: Ky U.S.
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Member Rating: 1.0

Message 138 of 251 (654289)
02-28-2012 10:26 PM
Reply to: Message 137 by Omnivorous
02-28-2012 9:32 PM

Re: Marc9000's Box
Thanks. I needed that.
Since you appreciate honesty, perhaps you could demonstrate some.
Could you explain how your two options--aliens and gods--do not boil down to gods?
Why sure, just as soon as you and all your theistic evolutionist companions explain how your common ancestor does not boil down to atheism.
Where did those aliens originate? Were they designed?
If so, who designed them? If their designers were designed, who designed them?
If they were not designed, then what? Aliens evolved--but we didn't? Aliens are eternal?
"Eternal", you may have found the correct word!
You are trapped in a god box, and you can't get out.
And you are trapped in an atheist box, you believe everything has to fit in one time, and three space dimensions. That all of reality has to fit within human understanding. That humans are tops in intelligence, that humans are gods.
We'll just wheel your carton into the courtroom and watch you try.
Not all judges/juries are atheists, or ACLU bought and paid for theistic evolutionists. In future ID trials you could be disappointed.

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 Message 137 by Omnivorous, posted 02-28-2012 9:32 PM Omnivorous has replied

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 Message 139 by crashfrog, posted 02-28-2012 10:31 PM marc9000 has replied
 Message 157 by Omnivorous, posted 02-29-2012 6:21 PM marc9000 has not replied

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Message 140 of 251 (654291)
02-28-2012 10:31 PM
Reply to: Message 136 by marc9000
02-28-2012 9:09 PM

Re: Analogies
To clarify;
marc9000 writes:
Since most anti religious/ anti ID people believe in common descent, they're relying on the first single celled organism as a beginning for their belief in evolution. Since they're so faithful/committed to that organism, they should be more faithful/committed to its origin. Does that make sense?
If a designer is so important to ID proponents that their studies of evidence for it can't be separated from it, isn't the common ancestor that is equally important to evolutionists so important to them that they can't be separated from it as well?

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 Message 142 by crashfrog, posted 02-28-2012 10:34 PM marc9000 has not replied
 Message 145 by Blue Jay, posted 02-28-2012 11:21 PM marc9000 has replied
 Message 147 by subbie, posted 02-29-2012 12:33 AM marc9000 has not replied
 Message 154 by Taq, posted 02-29-2012 11:37 AM marc9000 has not replied
 Message 155 by Taq, posted 02-29-2012 11:42 AM marc9000 has replied

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Message 141 of 251 (654292)
02-28-2012 10:33 PM
Reply to: Message 139 by crashfrog
02-28-2012 10:31 PM

Re: Marc9000's Box
Well, because "atheism" is the philosophical position that there's no such thing as God. It's not the position that all life is the evolutionary descendant of a single common ancestor.
Atheists don't believe in a common ancestor? How else would they believe life started?

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 Message 153 by Taq, posted 02-29-2012 11:32 AM marc9000 has not replied

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Message 160 of 251 (654677)
03-02-2012 8:09 PM
Reply to: Message 144 by Blue Jay
02-28-2012 11:00 PM

Re: Analogies
Because explanation is the whole point of science.
Look, if I saw a prehistoric spearhead, I would take it to an archaeologist and ask him where it came from. The archaeologist would tell me that a prehistoric human made it.
Then, I would ask him how the prehistoric human made it. The archaeologist might then talk about a certain technique for flaking stone to make spearheads. If I asked, he would probably be able to point me to some evidence that shows why this is the way he thinks the prehistoric human used that technique.
Archaeologists have legitimate scientific theories about intelligent design. You should model yours on theirs.
The attempt to do just that is made by ID’s top theorists. But there is a difference in what we can understand about the supernatural v what we can understand about prehistoric humans. There’s nothing wrong, or religious, about disregarding technique or intent of the supernatural, and focusing on only the design itself, or maybe a time sequence of the design.
marc9000 writes:
The current scientific community doesn't legitimately distinguish between the simplest forms of life and evolution, and as has been learned only recently, the simplest forms of life are very complex.
I'm making an honest effort to try to figure out what you're trying to say here, but I think I've so far failed.
From Darwin’s time through the mid 20th century, evolution’s starting point, the simplest forms of life, were thought to be pretty simple. Today, we know they’re not simple. They consist of information, complexity, order. As the scientific community tries to come up with some kind of hypothesis/theory for the development of the common ancestor that they claim all life on earth shares, they look for it to develop gradually, slowly, change over time, just like evolution. That’s what I mean when I say they don’t legitimately try to distinguish between the two, between evolution and abiogenesis. But as we see by this thread, it flip flops according to the argument. This thread’s intention was to show that they’re not related. In response to me, Taq says they are. Lucky for evolutionists that all this isn’t taken to court and examined and hammered on like ID was at Dover.
If you're just saying that we don't distinguish between abiogenesis and evolution, I am first obligated to scold you for simply repeated your unelaborated original point.
Taq elaborated it for me.
marc9000 writes:
As you can see by the two messages before yours (127 & 128)t he evolutionists have been very confusing about those two separate phenomena in this thread alone. I wonder if the threads starter will respond to that?
Taq is arguing that, if evolution and abiogenesis are so closely interrelated that the lack of evidence for one can cast doubt on the other, then it's only fair that the presence of evidence for one supports the other.
Well that’s pretty cool, if only ID were allowed to do changeable switchables like that!
marc9000 writes:
bluejay writes:
For example, we don't expect you to explain antibiotic-resistant bacteria as the result of de novo creations of the Designer: we are perfectly happy to let you explain it through mutations and natural selection, if you want.
Which people like Behe and Dembski readily do.
Marc, are you even reading what I'm saying? How on Earth is this helping your case?
ID is so often accused of wishing to explain all of biology with supernatural action. I read your paragraph to contain two messages; 1) it could have been an acceptance that ID can accept some of the more non controversial aspects of evolution, or 2)it could have been sarcasm that ID refuses to do that. I covered them both with that simple statement. The fact is, ID does accept a LOT about evolution. It just doesn’t automatically accept naturalism when naturalism doesn’t seem capable of doing mathematically impossible things, mainly concerning the origins of life.
You just confirmed that you are okay with IDists using two very different theories to explain these two things, but refuse to allow our theories to be separate. Another double standard!
It's not always two very different theories at all - ID harmonizes with evolution in many instances. ID usually supplements evolution, it doesn’t always compete with it. The only thing it competes with is atheism. Evolutionists seldom see that, they're stopped short by their own impatience and anger.
marc9000 writes:
Since most anti religious/ anti ID people believe in common descent, they're relying on the first single celled organism as a beginning for their belief in evolution. Since they're so faithful/committed to that organism, they should be more faithful/committed to its origin. Does that make sense?
Let me see if I understand this. You're saying that, because evolutionists tend to accept common descent, that evolution and abiogenesis must be the same thing?
I’m saying the common ancestor that evolution claims all life on earth descended from is very important to evolutionists. Every bit as important as any designer would be to an ID proponent.

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 Message 144 by Blue Jay, posted 02-28-2012 11:00 PM Blue Jay has not replied

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Message 161 of 251 (654679)
03-02-2012 8:11 PM
Reply to: Message 145 by Blue Jay
02-28-2012 11:21 PM

Re: Analogies
marc9000 writes:
If a designer is so important to ID proponents that their studies of evidence for it can't be separated from it, isn't the common ancestor that is equally important to evolutionists so important to them that they can't be separated from it as well?
Marc, you keep conflating all kinds of things. Evolution, abiogenesis, atheism and common descent are all different things.
Abiogenesis is a hypothetical process by which a living organism emerged from non-living precursors.
Common descent is the idea that all modern organisms are descended from a single organism that emerged through abiogenesis.
Evolution is the theory that explains how organisms descended from prior organisms become different from their ancestors.
Atheism is the belief that God had nothing to do with any of the preceding things, because He doesn't exist.
You’re making it too complicated, it’s really quite simple. For ID, the designer is a big deal. For evolution, the common ancestor is a big deal. Both big deals can be shelved, and study about their existence (or actions) can be shelved. Both can, or neither can.

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 Message 145 by Blue Jay, posted 02-28-2012 11:21 PM Blue Jay has not replied

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 Message 177 by RAZD, posted 03-03-2012 11:51 AM marc9000 has replied

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