Look at the premise of your question. "that is not due to common descent". Common descent is not a fact, it is an inference from a predetermined bias that it did indeed happen.
That is completely false. Common descent is a TESTABLE hypothesis.
For example, we can predict that we should find the same retroviral insertions at the same positions in both the human and chimp genomes. This is a test for common ancestry. So what do we find? When they sequenced the human genome they found about 200,000 retroviral insertions (
Human Genome paper). They then sequenced the chimp genome, found the ERV's, and compared them to the human genome (
chimp genome paper). What did they find? Out of 200,000 retroviral insertions in the human genome less than 100 are not found in the chimp genome. For the chimp genome, only around 300 are not found in the human genome. There are literally hundreds of thousands of shared ERV's, each one ironclad evidence of common ancestry, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.
An unbiased question would be, do I know of any evidence that would tend to contradict a common ancestry.
Absolutely. If we found that vast majority of shared retroviral insertions did not produce the PATTERN of homology that the theory of evolution predicts then that would contradict common ancestry. For example, if we found that only half of the orthologous retroviral insertions shared by humans and orangutans were shared by chimps then this would falsify common ancestry. On the flip side, common design makes absolutely no predictions on the expected PATTERN of shared features. This is why common ancestry is preferred over common design, because it is testable and it passes those tests.
Horizontal Gene Transfer seems like a work around for what was not predicted. It certainly isn't natural selection acting on random mutation and being passed on to descendants.
Wrong on both accounts. HGT is an observed mechanism, not a work around. Also, you can detect HGT separtely from DNA that has been inherited vertically. Secondly, HGT events are random mutations. They are a change in the DNA sequence that is random with respect to fitness. DNA that is transferred horizontally passes through the same filter of natural selection that all changes in DNA go through.
What we have NEVER observed is a supernatural deity changing DNA.
Edited by Taq, : No reason given.
Edited by Taq, : No reason given.