Ah - your opening post and the subsequent one ........
I am interested in hard evidence that moves macro-evolution from hypothesis to theory? Evidence of the same standard that is demanded from intelligent design science. I look forward to the responses.
Ok, I read the paper. I am not sure how it wipes out design completely. The gophers are still gophers and the lice are still lice. Now if one of lice turned into a gopher I would be stumped.
..... tells volumes about your problem. Basically, the second statement shows clearly that you have a 'kindergarten' view of the ToE - as in Pokemon or Teenage Mutant Turtles (or the Hollywood version as in 'X-Men').
If you really think that the ToE postulates phylogenic changes (from one individual to the next) as great as an insect changing to a mammal (such as 'morphing' as in Pokemon) then no wonder you cannot present a coherent description of 'macro-evolution'.
You seriously need to do some reading on the subject first. The guys here will help you - and already have by referencing dozens of starting articles.
Look on this as a genuine offer of help re scientific knowledge. If you knew how you actually sound to those with scientific training on here you would cringe in embarrassment. You may not be aware but many members on here are either practising scientists or very clued-up laypeople.
We have representatives from many science fields here including - genetics, ecology, archaeology, geology, astronomy, mathematics, biochemistry to name but a few of the subjects. Most of those you have engaged in this debate are very well versed in one or more of these subjects.
Regarding this 'micro-evolution and 'macro-evolution' can you please answer the following (thanks to Rrhain in a previous thread - can't remember offhand which - for this question).
If 1+1=2 why can't 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1=10?
When you understand this question and the answer it implies you will start to see part of where you are going wrong.
I would also be interested in your definition of the Theory of Evolution (contrary to popular opinion it can be stated in a couple of sentences and incorporating just two tenets — can you take a stab at this?) as it would help us know how you ‘view’ the theory and therefore whether you understand the theory as the actual scientists who use it on a day to day basis do (I’m 99.9% sure you don’t but it’s best coming from you).
BTW: Failing to read posts and then proudly and glibly announcing to those taking time to answer YOUR post is not only profoundly rude but is no way to enlightenment!