My blog on this subject is called "evolution's shell game" http://evolutionnointelligenceallowed.wordpress.com/
From your reference:
It is absolutely safe to say that if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid or insane (or wicked, but I’d rather not consider that). I first wrote that in a book review in the New York Times in 1989, and it has been much quoted against me ever since, as evidence of my arrogance and intolerance. Of course it sounds arrogant, but undisguised clarity is easily mistaken for arrogance. Examine the statement carefully and it turns out to be moderate, almost self-evidently true. (Dawkins Foundation)
Go Richard!
The deception here is in his use of the word evolution. Evolution covers everything now. Any change of anything over time. How convenient is that. Now statement like his can be made and be technically be correct. Convenient, the evolutionist lobby has been able to define their belief in a way that they can defend it.
What is the tactful word for the concept of telling deliberate untruths? Would mendacious work do describe this paragraph accurately? To mild I think.
If a student addresses a professor in doubt of abiogenesis he/she may be met with a barrage of indignant. How dare you question what has been fact for decades. Your ignorance of the existence of the mountains of overwhelming evidence supporting evolution makes me question whether you should even be in my class, or even attending a academy of higher learning. Maybe you should go back to your flat earth believing inbred relatives and plant corn the rest of your life.
The Theory of Evolution does not address the origin of life. This is proof that Dawkins was spot-on. Not evidence, proof!
Although I do consider the wicked part of the Dawkins quote very seriously, too.
I respect everyone here, I respect the conclusions made here and the logic used in getting there. I have an opposing position which makes me your opponent, not your enemy
Deception is all creationists have. I don’t respect mendacity. idscience, I don't respect you as a person, neither your deception, at all.
You're just a person for whom it is impossible to ever tell the truth. Persons like you would try to steal the oxygen out of my breath.
Edited by Pressie, : Added the last quote, changed spelling of "creastionists" to creationists and added another sentence in the middle and at the end.
Edited by Pressie, : Spelling
Edited by Pressie, : No reason given.