What a bunch of utter crap.
Concerning the New Testament, we have more than 24,000
manuscripts with 99.5% internal consistency showing the New Testament we have today is accurate with regard to the original autographs. No other ancient historical document has nearly this level of evidence. The closest is the Iliad with 643 manuscripts. Many documents like Caesar's Gallic Wars are considered accurately preserved with just 5-10 manuscripts dating 1,000 years or more after the originals.
However, we have manuscripts for the New Testament dating less than a century after the original documents (autographs) like the John Rylands Papyrus (P52), P104, P90, P64+67, and P98. We have complete or nearly complete copies of the New Testament dating as early as 200-400 A.D. like the Sahidic Coptic Version, Sinaitic Curiac Version, and Codex Vaticanus and Sinaiticus.
Many of these manuscripts you fundies like to claim are nothing more than a single scrap. Only about fifty manuscripts contain the entire New Testament, and of these only one, the Codex Sinaiticus is a Uncial manuscript. Codex Alexandrinus and Codex Ephremi are missing significant portions.
There are less than sixty complete manuscripts including the three above. All others are miniscule manuscripts that date form the 9th century and later.
Thus, we can look at these early documents to see whether later translations (like the King James Version) were reliable translations of the original Greek/Hebrew text seen in such early manuscripts.
The writers of the KJV used flawed manuscripts. Parts of the KJV are based translations by Erasmus that were know was based upon a 12th century manuscript that is one of the worst manuscripts there are.
Here are some sources for you.
Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible And WhyThe Rejection of Pascal's WagerThe Text of the New Testament
You can see that all of these books use references and footnotes to show you where they got their evidence from. They are not pulling it out of their ass as AIG and fundies tend to do.
How does it feel, as a Christian, to be filling creationwiki full of lies?
Edited by AdminPD, : Warning
Facts don't lie or have an agenda. Facts are just facts
"God did it" is not an argument. It is an excuse for intellectual laziness.