Amazing what a stick and sponge can do that no known physics or math can do, that is, show where stars come from.
A sponge on a stick is missing several features of galactic dynamics, as Dr Adequate has mentioned gravitational attraction between various components of the sponge and the water are negligible, where as they are the dominant effect for galaxies.
Secondly current numerical simulations of galactic dynamics match the evidence perfectly. In light of this, could you explain what current math and physics can't do with regard to galactic dynamics?
I understand that it is hard to accept the idea that super massive black holes are 'liquid light' from someone who can hardly write or do math, but it goes way beyond any thing Einstein was able to do, and that is explain the nature of Black holes.
A short historical note, it was not Einstein who discovered black holes, but Schwarschild. Black holes are objects predicted by General Relativity. We currently observe super-dense objects in the center of galaxies that behave exactly like the black holes of General Relativity. Hence I do not see what is missing in the current model of black holes, a side from an explanation of what occurs at the singularity, but this has no effect on galactic dynamics anyway.