Welcome to EvC! An interesting proposal, but it's not quite ready for promotion. At the moment it seems to be fluttering between several possible debates.
So what would you like to discuss?
The failings of the Accretion model of planetary formation.
The failed predictions of the big bang.
The problems with our understanding of galaxy formation.
The genesis of heavy elements.
or the
The Nature of Super Massive Black Holes.
The first topic seems to be the primary focus. You say that
The most recent, large numbers of planets outside our solar system that do not fit the accretion model, come from a long list of discoveries that reveal the opposite of what scientists hoped or predicted.
Could you perhaps explain why extra-solar planets do not fit the accretion model? What other items are in the list of discoveries that are contrary to the accretion model?
You do mention something that might be on that list:
The accretion model predicted no moons beyond Mars would be active, yet there are many that are.
Could you perhaps provide at least a link to somewhere that discusses this prediction, preferably with a brief explanation in your own words?
I do hope you get back to me, as I am keen to see this promoted and discussed.