All those edits is like watching an open mic'er think he/she is going to kill with their material, only to watch them bomb.
But I'll make an attempt to sort through it.
How ironic.
Not really.
Did someone say this to you when refering to your jokes and you are now using it on someone else?
I thought comedians were supposed to be original?
They should be, but many have gained success "borrowing" other people's stuff. Then of course there's buying material from writers. So it's a bit of a grey area.
Is this what people can expect for your free services?
Yes. I, again, suggest petitioning Percy to compensate me for my time here and amazing joke writing ability; if not it's more of Dark Oni I'm afraid.
Or are you just practicing on us and this is your paid version you use for the public and are seeing the types of responses you garner?
Unfortunately my audiences have no idea who Jet Thomson is. If they did though the material would write itself.
- Oni
Edited by onifre, : No reason given.