Hawking recanted many of his claims after 28 years shortly after I sent him my thesis. I don't know if he changed his mind because of what I wrote, but I sure got a lot of phone calls that day.
Please tell me that you aren't a
If you are then I have to admit you do a bloody good parody.
If not then ......well I assure you with all the muster I can generate that Hawkings would not have changed his cosmology stance of the strength of a theory advanced by someone with no working math who thinks he can model the universe by spinning a sponge on a stick.
I'm sorry bud you have no idea how way out of it you are (way out as meaning utter nonsense rather than merely revolutionary).
When all the world's renowned experts go one way and you go another there is a tiny chance you are the lone genius (Einstein comes to mind here) or - as far more likely - you haven't the foggiest notion of the principles under discussion.
To give you a clue about which is most likely - Einstein used A LOT of math in his formulation of Special and General Relativity.
And you have?........a sponge spinning on a stick !! Get it yet?
Edited by Drosophilla, : No reason given.
Edited by Drosophilla, : No reason given.
Edited by Drosophilla, : No reason given.
Edited by Drosophilla, : No reason given.