Hi Trixie,
Amazing what the TP people come up with eh?
... The bill was House Bill 1148, introduced by Jerry Bergevin (R-District 17), which would have charged the state board of education to "[r]equire evolution to be taught in the public schools of this state as a theory, including the theorists' political and ideological viewpoints and their position on the concept of atheism."
Although HB 1457 as drafted was silent about "intelligent design," the initial request of its sponsor Gary Hopper (R-District 7) was to have a bill drafted that would require "instruction in intelligent design in the public schools." Hopper later told the Concord Monitor (December 29, 2011) that although he would like to see "intelligent design" taught in classrooms, he was not able to find a successful legislative precedent. Instead, he explained, "I want the problems with the current theories to be presented so that kids understand that science doesn't really have all the answers. They are just guessing."
Of course Hopper is just making stuff up out of thin air (while Bergevin is either lying or deluded), so he doesn't have to worry about guessing via science ...
Gee, thanks Buz for labelling me as someone who holds a "criminal idea". Thank you for suggesting that I would be someone who would not have a problem with the actions of the Nazis and thank you for implying that I'd probably participate in said actions.
What you have done here is alienate every person on this board who accepts evolution - we all hold criminal beliefs, according to you.
Jerry Bergevin (R-District 17) and Gary Hopper (R-District 7) are the real criminals in this case, if anyone is, along with all those that didn't laugh in their faces when they first proposed this delusional bill.