I CANT writes:
I personally believe from studying the scriptures that the universe and earth have always existed in some form just not in the form we observe it today.
My reason for that belief is that God (existence) is eternal without beginning or end. The text says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Since God had no beginning when was the beginning?
To me, that sounds a bit more pantheistic than monotheistic. Is humanity a created thing? If we are in communion with God, is it the same as being part of God?
Did God create Himself?
Personally I believe that God always existed but that matter,energy, and life were created things.
I suppose, however, that we could argue that if we are in communion with God through His Son, we ourselves always existed in His imagination...as did everything else. It just strikes me as more of a pantheistic view as opposed to a monotheistic/communion view.