Catholic Scientist writes:
I find the agnostic atheists to be a much better group of people. I think the other groups of atheists are gonna smear your reputation a bit, so it might be a good idea to find another word. Be it via reclaim or whatever.
I actually agree with the sentiment (and the sentiment of Heathen's original idea).
I just don't see it working in any practical sense.
Yes, you're right. The term Atheist can mean many different things and many people take it to mean many different things.
Do you actually think that changing the term to "Heathen" or anything else will prevent this? Even "the perfect term" if you could think of it?
Whatever the term comes to be, there will always be those to take it to this extreme or that and shove themselves under the umbrella. That's just a part of human nature, some folk like to be "gotcha" assholes, they're not going to stop their "gotcha" moments just because a new word is being circulated.
I don't think it's the word "Atheist" that's so broad it can be taken advantage of. I think it's the whole idea. The pupose of the term (whatever it is) is to separate two camps. One that is god-believing, and the other that is not. That's a broad group on both sides. My take is that regardless of whatever term is used, there's going to be a lot of wiggle room for "gotcha's" and lots of other nonsense. Then, because it doesn't really matter, might as well just stick with what's there already instead of jumping through some (eventually useless) hoops.