Here is the word of one of the most respected atheist philosphers of the 20th century, revered by Dawkins et. al. who found he was maintaining false beliefs.
By which you mean "here are the words of a dishonest fundamentalist, who took advantage of an old man's failing mind, to put words into his mouth."
Hopefully this will awaken the non-believers on this board to follow the evidence. To get rid of your delusions that there is no God.
I don't see how Varghese's disgusting amorality or your own hypocrisy - which is all your evidence here shows - can be considered evidence that there is a God.
Let go of your arrogant distain for anyone who believes in God and get rid of that myth that atheistism has degrees.
By which you mean "Reject the truth and worship me!"
Quit hedging your bets.
By which you mean "quit being intellectually honest!"
Why bother with this display of pride and contempt for honesty and truth ? Did you really think that it would convince anyone ?