First, it seems as though we should come to an agreement about the definition of belief we are going to use, as it appears that we are saying two different things when we say belief
confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof: a statement unworthy of belief.
That is the definition I use. So yes, beliefs are unimportant in the grand scheme of things, IMO and speaking as an atheist.
Are you saying that atheist beliefs do not align with evidence, data or fact?
Evidence, data and facts are true regardless whether one believes them or not, so no, atheists don't have beliefs (in the sense that I am using the term) in them.
I would assume that in any discpline one comes to a belief that this or that is a fact, or has been proven to a very high degree etc.
I prefer to say one has come to a conclusion, not to a belief.
I don't see how one could live life w/o believing in something that they have chosen to determine is a proven proposition to some degree of proof.
So does the atheist comfort his/her self with the assumption that nothing can be believed? Or need not be believed?
There is nothing comforting at all about the universe, just what you make of it. The universe is a cold, fickle, cruel bitch.
To not belive is a copout, in my opinion.
Says you. I say it is the believer who is copping out, what with his belief in unevidenced things just to make his or herself feel a bit better.
Is that something the atheist cannot accept?
I'm not sure what you mean....
"Science is interesting, and if you don't agree you can fuck off." -Dawkins