It's interesting that you seem to imply that Intelligent Design is science yet post material that refutes that very position.
You said:
Vanessa writes:
I was impressed with the level of scientific evidence supporting ID. The arguments were robust and compelling, but I believe it's all for naught.
yet arguments do not make anything scientific, only evidence does.
Then you go on to say:
Vanessa writes:
If ID is to succeeds it must lay claim Nature. Nature is God's work and ID is a champion for God.
which of course makes Intelligent Design nothing but Creationism in disguise as well as being a totally false assertion that just makes god into an incompetent bungler who is a total failure.
I'm not quite sure why you think the god you seem to be marketing is significant or of any value?
Anyone so limited that they can only spell a word one way is severely handicapped!