So, you will not consider looking into a matter if there is no evidence?
Well no. But that's not the situation.
The real situation is that we have plenty of evidence. It's just that all the evidence tells us precisely the opposite of what you want to hear.
Should we bin all this evidence and the conclusions it supports in favour of your personal daydreams? Hell no!
The evidence is actually there. It is called the bible.
Arguing from scripture is pointless. Would you be impressed if I offered you the Quran as evidence?
Besides, the Bible does not comment on the speed of light or ancient physical constants. That's all just rationalisation that you (and other creationists) set up after the fact in order from rescue the Bible from its many embarrassing mistakes. Don't mistake your personal pet theories for holy writ.
If you dug into the ground and came upon a stone that was dated to be 2 billion years old and on its was engraved the following message, would you not look into to the possibility that the claims made on the story had any basis in reality?
Yes, absolutely I would. That would be a fascinating piece of evidence and I would love to see it.
Do you have a 2 billion year old engraving? No, you do not.
The message engraved on the stones said that it was written by the creator of the universe and that the stone was part of the bedrock sitting underneath the soil from which adam, the first human, was created from. I take it you would set about to see if the claims written upon the stone had any basis in reality?
Yes I would. Thing is, if those claims turned out not to be true, I would not blame reality. I would blame the claims on the rock and say that they were wrong. That's where you are going wrong; when the Bible fails a test, you blame reality rather than admit that the Bible contains errors.
If so, why aren't you interested in seeing if the claims of the bible have in basis in reality?
Because the rock in your example was clearly not a human artifact; it was frigging 2 billion years old! The Bible very clearly is a human artifact. It has no more authority than any other human fairy story. Nonetheless, the claims in the Bible have been tested, many, many times; they failed. Miserably. Get over it.
Mutate and Survive