Zaius, my friend, is it always your custom to avoid the questions asked to you? I asked you specific questions, my friend. Why did you avoid them and ask me a whole set of new questions? Is your goal here to learn, my friend?
I'll ask you again: Is it your belief or understanding that the galaxies themselves are moving? Or do you get that the space between them is expanding?
Please answer... friend.
When scientists find that type 1A supernova are accelerating what exactly does that mean?
Can you provide an actual quote? I need to understand the context.
Does the measurement of the speed of light stay consistent with SR?
This given, is our length of measure contracted as described by Lorentz—Fitzgerald?
I don't really understand that question the way you're asking it, could mean a few things. Can you clarify what you mean?
And the galaxy that is traveling faster than light have a length of zero?
There are NO galaxies traveling at faster than the speed of light. Nothing travels faster than the speed of light. The SPACE between the galaxies is expand at a rate FASTER THAN LIGHT CAN TRAVEL. That does NOT mean the galaxy is traveling faster than the speedof light. Maybe this is where you're finding the confusion?
- Oni