First, there is no such thing as "the Bible"; there are instead several different anthologies of stories that call themselves the Bible even though very little is common to all of them.
One thing that is common to all of them is that the stories were all just written by men; unknown men for the most part; men who were simply really uneducated and uninformed about how this universe is organized.
Of course we can disprove many of those stories, the Garden of Eden never existed, the Biblical Flood myths are simply false, the Conquest of Canaan never happened as described in Joshua, the Exodus did not happen as described...the list goes on and on.
There is nothing wrong with believing that GOD created all that is, seen and unseen, or even that man is some special desired creation (although the latter must be considered either as really silly or the result of some really weird Coyote-like God), but to pretend that what is described in Genesis is some actual report of how life got here beggars the imagination.
Genesis 2&3 are a "Just so story" intended to explain why childbirth seems more difficult for humans than other animals, why we farm instead of being hunter gatherers, why folk fear snakes, why we wear clothes. Genesis 1 on the other hand was intended to establish a theological week and Sabbath. In both stories creation is simply a plot device meant to carry the tale along.
The Bible also has very little to contribute towards answering the question "What is the purpose of man" that is not covered much better in other tomes. There is also not much value in any absolute "TRUTH" and such a critter if it existed is still pretty much irrelevant to gaining knowledge of how things work.
Faith, grace, mercy, love can only be obtained through mental effort; they are things an individual works at and the result of evolution, teaching and personal experience; of a growth in wisdom.
Anyone so limited that they can only spell a word one way is severely handicapped!