Evolution was, in its conception, an applied extension to biology of the school of thought known as uniformitarianism. [...] Uniformitarianism is totally in contradiction to scientific evidence.
It's not clear what you mean by uniformitarianism, but whatever you mean by it, this is no way to reason.
If evolution is a form of uniformitarianism (whatever
that is) then you still need to show that there is something wrong with evolution specifically. Otherwise what's to stop someone saying: "Uniformitarianism is totally in contradiction to scientific evidence, except when it comes to evolution, which turns out to be correct. Darwin caught a lucky break there."
Don't you see that something's gone terribly wrong when all the argument you have against evolution, a proposition about
biology, doesn't involve mentioning a single organism, a single organ, a single fossil, a single bone, a single genome, a single gene, a single scrap of a shred of a scintilla of an iota of information about
Edited by Dr Adequate, : No reason given.