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Author | Topic: German judge rules child circumcision as child abuse. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
New Cat's Eye Inactive Member
How do you know the cleanliness issue is a myth?
New Cat's Eye Inactive Member
Because keeping clean is a separate issue that can be easily done. My pediatrician told my parents to circumcise me so that it would be easier to keep the penis clean and avoid infections. You don't want bits of feces getting lodged up in there and its kind of a bitch to pull it back or swab it.
True - there are those parts of the world where there is not clean enough water or whatever, but in those cases to even proceed with this procedure would be very risky, medically. I thought it was more about the kind of explosive shits that infants have that get all up in everything possible.
New Cat's Eye Inactive Member
Well, we can start with the American Academy of Pediatrics. A quote from: Circumcision Policy Statement | Pediatrics | American Academy of Pediatrics Circumcision has been suggested as an effective method of maintaining penile hygiene since the time of the Egyptian dynasties, but there is little evidence to affirm the association between circumcision status and optimal penile hygiene. Little evidence to affirm it doesn't mean its wrong. And I'll go with this quote from your source:
quote: My pediatrician said to do it for cleanliness. It was my parents decision and they went with the doctor. Even without published scientific data, doctors make recommendations to their patients based on their own experiences. He was a good man and if he thought it was beneficial then I'll go with him. I don't think there was anything wrong done that anybody need to be blamed for.
Protection from urinary tract infections is 1% in baby boys unable to clean themselves. I don't think there is any other surgery you would have your child undertake to reduce their chances of getting sick by 1%, for a limited amount of time, when there are simpler and free alternatives. A surgery that almost everybody here does, that has been done forever, and that makes you more sexually appealing! Count me in
New Cat's Eye Inactive Member
But it should be your choice as consenting individual. There's plenty of medical procedures done on children that they don't consent to. Many of them, like, say, immunizations, are ones that you don't want to wait until they can consent to do. In my case, circumcision was the same way. My doctor and parents saw a benefit that was not worth waiting for my consent on. It was done at infancy because that's when you're shitting your pants and having trouble keeping it clean. Waiting until the age of concent removes all the reasons for doing it. Edited by Catholic Scientist, : apalling spalling
New Cat's Eye Inactive Member
Sure. But as I have said consistently in this thread, it is a risk-vs-reward situation. The risk-vs-reward scenario for vaccines comes heavily down on the side of vaccines. It comes down so heavily in favor of vaccines that one could argue that it is child abuse NOT to vaccinate children. If there was a clear, straight forward, evidenced based, and effective intervention based on circumcision, I would have to re-evaluate my position. But there is not. And to the people who are comfortable in utelizing the procedure based on anecdotal recommendations from their doctor? Who are you to tell them they can't do it because you're not convinced that its worth it?
New Cat's Eye Inactive Member
Who are you to tell them they can't do it because you're not convinced that its worth it?
I am nobody. I am just one person. Well no, not you all by yourself. But if you're supporting outlawing it then you're saying that you have the right to tell people they can't do it. You not being convinced of the benefit is not a good reason for that.
I am simply making an argument for a common sense, science based restriction of the mutilation of unconsenting children. I don't think its mutilation nor that the children need to consent.
I simply hope that someday, society stops with the double standard which seems mostly to do with cultural and religious reasons. But doctors do recommend it for non-cultrual and non-religious reasons.
New Cat's Eye Inactive Member
Doctors offer non-scientific advice all the time. That doesn't make it right. We have a huge problem in our day and age due to doctors practicing medicine based on their anecdotal experience or simply to pacify their patients. Everything from bacterial resistance, to over-prescribing, to over-testing. Doctors don't do science. That's more of a criticism of western medicine in general than circumcision in particular. You say its a "huge" problem... how so? I don't think medicine can nor should be constrained by good scientific rigor. You know, there's a reason doctors call it "practice"
"My doctor said it works" is not a valid argument in this case for reasons not the least of which is that its wrong. Its a decision for the parents with their doctor.
I can easily give a counter anecdote. Our doctor told us that she tends to notice more UTIs in boys who HAVE been circumcised because parents are too stupid to realize that they need to keep their sons clean regardless if they are cut or not. That's fine, you should follow your doctor's advice. I'm not advocating that we do necessarily circumsize people, I just don't think you should be advocating outlawing it.
New Cat's Eye Inactive Member
Well, I think that is pretty scary. I am not my doctor's subject, I am his patient. I would like to count on him to give me scientifically accurate information and treatment, not "practice". And when you get a disease that nobody has any idea what's causing, nor exaclty how to treat, are you just gonna wait around for the scientific community, or are you going to just follow your doctor's advice? That's part of the problem, we don't have either the data or the time to determine much scientific accuracy. And if you don't like the way a doctor is treating you, then find another doctor that you do like and can trust.
We outlaw female circumcision. Do you think that such a law is wrong? What if my doctor advises that such a procedure would be a benefit to my daughter against all scientific information? Would you still be willing to call that "practice"? If you doctor believes that your daughter needs to be circumsized and you make the decision to go along with it, then I wouldn't have any problem with it.
New Cat's Eye Inactive Member
If a doctor says that there is a good reason for a routine infant circumcision with no other indications, that doctor is wrong. Plain and simple. Granted, the science could change, but for now, the science is clear. So far from you, I've seen that the science is clear that they have failed to affirm one particular good reason. That doesn't mean there isn't any. Too, it depends on what kind of reasons are good enough for you. If the parents and their doctor have a reason that is good enough for them, but has failed to be affirmed by science, then they should be able to move forward with it.
So presumably, it bothers you that today, in the USA and other countries, poor parents and their doctors are restricted from circumcising their daughters? No, that doesn't bother me at all, and I don't really see any good comparison between the outlawing of Female Genital Mutilation and your position on the outlawing of male circumcision. The outlawing of FGM had good reasons, and it was responsive to something new to the US. Too, it would be a better comparison if male circumcision removed the whole penis and/or "results in the occurrence of physical and psychological health effects that harm the (person) involved" legislation. Too, the law does allow it to happen if your doctor does these sorts of things and you have a good reason to.
New Cat's Eye Inactive Member
Catholic Scientist writes: The outlawing of FGM had good reasons, and it was responsive to something new to the US. Actually, no. Quite a lot was done in the nineteenth century, especially amongst mental patients.
The legislation for outlawing it was in 1996 and responsive to African immigrants who were performing FGMs, it didn't have anything to do with 19th centrury phycological claptrap. ABE: From Message 271:
Children learn culture in this sense as they grow up. And as adults, individuals keep what they want and reject what they don't. Irreversible cultural operations can't be rejected. You could reject it by not circumsizing your own children. Edited by Catholic Scientist, : see ABE
New Cat's Eye Inactive Member
Sure. The one thing that would cause me to do a 180 is a good reason. But preforming routine surgery on newborn infants because there MIGHT be a good reason isn't particularly convincing. 'Might be' is often reason enough for medicine. And the fact that its already routine makes me think we'd more need a good reason to stop rather than to continue. The decision is between the parents and the doctor. If the doctor thinks it might help, and the parents are good to go with that, then that's how the decision should be made.
Yet in many other comparable aspect of parental responsibility we question it. Why? What makes this particular issue raise hackles about freedom while foot binding, blood transfusion denial, chelation therapy for autism, all provoke the opposite response. I don't see how those are comparable. Where do we have doctors telling parents that they should bind feet? Or deny blood transfusions? Or to use chelants for therapy in autism?
For some thing, parents all of a sudden are expected to perform to a standard that we set because we recognize it is in the best interests of our society to give children their own set of rights. But in this case there is this weird reaction. From my perspective, it seems only cultural and religious or derived therof. Out of curiosity: Do you think infant ear piercing should be outlawed too? Why or why not?
Why? Just because they call it something else? No, because FGM completely destroys the vagina and circumcision barely affects the penis.
Female circumcision shocked our conscious because it was new to us and granted, can be more extreme. I have never claimed otherwise. Who would dare claim the same for male circumcision in an environment where it was already widely accepted? Can you not see how it might look from a third perspective? From a culture that does neither? We would look like a bunch of hypocrites. From an unbiased third perspective, I would honestly go: 'Holy shit, FGM is terrible! Circumcision? Not so much.'
Yea but were not talking about good reasons. We are talking about unevidenced reasons or cultural/religious reasons. And that can be good enough. Maybe not for you, but its up to the parents and thier doctor. Anecdotal evidence from the doctor could be plenty to make this decision.
Are you saying that if a doctor suggested female circumcision because it would reduce a girls future chance of getting an STD, something that has absolutly NO scientific basis, you would be okay with it? I mean common, its part of his practical experience as a doctor right? If the FGM was just the removal of some excess labia, then it might be able to be justified. But scraping off the entire vagina isn't something I can imagine being justified in any way - and this is why they're not really comparable for me.
New Cat's Eye Inactive Member
Circumcision of females generally has nothing to do with the vagina, and those that do affect it, do not 'destroy' it (sometimes it's narrowed or otherwise modified, but never destroyed - women are for making babies after all). A nitpick, I know. Hmh, I coulda swore the vagina contained the vulva... oh well. On the street, 'vagina' means that whole mess down there
Just so I'm clear, would you be OK with infant female prepuce removal at the consent of a parent and their doctors? Yeah, I think so.
its up to the parents and thier doctor But why? I mean I presume you agree that society has a responsibility to ensure the welfare of its children, so really it's a matter of drawing a line. Do you have any reason for drawing it where you do? That's what I'm familiar with and that's how I like it. It seems to be well thought out and works just fine. I don't see any good reason to move it from where it is.
Anecdotal evidence from the doctor could be plenty to make this decision. Anecdotal evidence from doctors led us to circumcise women for mental health problems and to castrate men that were caught masturbating. I'm not sure those were fun times. Scientific consensus has lead to bad times too.
A single doctor versus American Academy of Pediatrics, The Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Canadian Paediatric Society, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Central Union for Child Welfare in Finland etc. I only clicked on the 'American' links But they seem to agree with me:
quote: quote: .
I'm sure there are groups of doctors who are pro circumcision but I couldn't find any. If your doctor advises you to circumcise your son as a matter of routine, they may well be going against the consensus of their peers either medically or ethically. I don't have any children. When I asked my mother why I was circumcized, she said that my doctor recommended it for cleanliness. When you're wearing diapers all the time and shitting your pants, you can get bits of feces stuck under the foreskin and it can get infected. Its easier to keep the penis clean if the foreskin is removed. Since we wear clothes n'stuff, so you don't really need it. I don't mean to be telling people that they should be circumcizing their kids and I don't have any problem with people who want to stop doing it, or even people who want to try to convince other people to stop doing it. I'm just against outlawing it.
In a country where circumcision at the parent's discretion is legal, a doctor should be advising 'While there are some benefits to circumcision, they are small and there are associated risks and reported drawbacks. It is generally not recommended to do it unless there are clear and particular benefits, which in this case there are not.' The doctors should be advising what they believe is best for the individual in the particular case. I wouldn't advocate turning them into droids that recite stock phrases like that.
New Cat's Eye Inactive Member
So we started the practice with no justification but now we need a justification to stop? How does that make sense whatsoever? Huh? We didn't start it..
So now its only on the doctor? The cultural practice alone isn't enough? Thats besides the point that there have been doctors who advocate for the chelation. What is it exactly about this magical doctors stamp of approval that make a ritualistic incursion into a child's physiology okay? No, its not only the doctor. Its the parents decision and they should be following their doctors advice. That's just how we do medicine 'round here.
No. I am uncomfortable with it but since it is pretty much reversable and far more minor in comparison, I would be hard pressed to make an equivalent argument. Okay, and I don't think we should be comparing male circumcision to FGM.
Look, there is a continuium of things a parent can do to a kid. Somewhere on that continuium I believe there is a line which should stop allowing things. For me, ear piercing and circumcision fall on opposite sides of the line and I believe my argument justifies that opinion. It could be better I think your argument could be used against ear piercing too.
So either you or I are vastly misinformed about what constitues female circumcision. It can range from only removing the clitoral hood to clitorectomy to also cutting off the labia. So yea, there is different extremes of it. If you think that description is wrong then perhaps you should clarify what you think a female circumcision is. I misspoke about the vagina. I was thinking vulva. To me, Female Genital Mutilations is an African practice of removing most of the vulva... sometimes with a rock... just scraping the labia off. It fucking barbaric and terrible. I don't think that should be being compared to circumcision. If there's also female circumcision, where the clitoral hood is trimmed back or something, then I'm not sure about that one. I guess I'd have to hear the doctors case for why it should be done. I haven't seen a justification for outlawing that either tho.
ANd what about no evidence? What if a parent just wants to do this for no reason other than their culture or religion? Or is a doctors note required for you? Required by law? I dunno. I think people should be consulting doctors for medical decisions. I don't think the particular reasoning of the parents is all that improtant as long as the child isn't being harmed.
I have no idea what you are talking about regarding 'scraping off the entire vagina'. Not trying to be offensive here but you may want to brush up on your female anatomy. Yeah, I did. As I said to Mod, on the street "vagina" just means that whole mess down there. I should have typed "vulva".
Lets back up to just a clitorectomy. What about that? It can likely be done just as safely as a male circumcision and has its original justification for the exact same reasons. If a doctor has a bogus reason based on his "practice" is that an okay enough reason for you to allow it? Chopping the whole clit off? No. Trimming the hood back? I suppose that could be justified, but I'd want to talk to the doctor recommending it.
New Cat's Eye Inactive Member
Somebody did. But you are saying we need a good reason to stop it. Well, you yourself don't need a good reason to not circumsize your kid. But you will need a good reason to outlaw the practice, imho. I suppose you don't have to have one, but good luck with that
How about recognizing that circumcision didn't have any good reason for it to have BECOME such a widespread thing in the first place. Why is that not a good enough reason to stop? Are there any other things that we outlaw just because there isn't a good reason for people doing them?
See. Look. Comparing and contrasting. I still don't feel like FGM has any place in this discussion.
I agree it can. I am against both in principle, but because there are real differences the practical position would be get rid of circumcision for its own right, based on those very real similarities. Are you not special pleading circumcision?
Both kinds of circumcision have their roots in dampening sexuality or masturbation, are non-reversable, and are scientifically unnecessary even when we go look for reasons. But those aren't the reason why I was circumcised. They're irrelevant to me.
They are both bad practice, based on bad reasons, that only harm children permanently when done routinely. And I don't think my circumsicion harmed me, so that isn't really weighing in on my opinion either. I can understand why you don't want to, and/or won't, circumcise your kid, but I still haven't seen a good reason why it should be outlawed.
New Cat's Eye Inactive Member
How about NONE OF THE ABOVE? Why does anybody have to make the decision for me? Why can't the whole shebang just be postponed until I reach age of consent Y? For me personally, the curcumsicion was intended to help during the infancy stage. You can't really do that if you wait until past infancy.
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