Buz, you forgot the whole slew of the decline of morality and of society as opposed to the vast majority of USA history (counting from the Revolution/Constitutional Convention time onward). Most all of which dates back to the mid-1950's.
But wait! What is the National Motto? "In God We Trust". But since when? In 1776, it was established as "E Pluribus Unum", which means "out of many, one", a statement of the unification of diverse parts. When did that change? Our National Motto, the one which had guided our great nation from its very founding up until within my own lifetime and, I would assume, also yours, was scrapped by a Republican Congress and Republican President in 1956 in favor of a purely religious statement, "In God We Trust." We as a nation fared very well, grew and prospered, under the old Motto, and have declined precipitously under the usurper motto. In 1955, one year before that calamitous decision, that same offending blasphemy was ordered to be printed on all our money. Is that the "Mark of the Beast" that the fundamentalists keep harping on? That would be affixed upon all our money?
The atrocity committed against the Pledge of Allegiance, is more minor, since the Pledge only dates back to 1892 and wasn't adopted by Congress until 1942, no doubt as part of the WWII war effort. For its first 62 years, it extolled "one nation indivisible", but then as the first Republican onslaught against America, the Pledge of Allegiance was the first to be corrupted in 1954 with that singular statement of American unity, "one nation indivisible", being split asunder with sectarian religion, the phrase "Under God". It happened the year before I entered Kindergarten, but my impression is that you are older than I am and so should have gone through the experience of having been raised on one Pledge only to have it one year suddenly changed out from under you. At my sons' one Little League game when the Pledge was performed, a local grand-dad left out the offensive "under God", remarking that the nuns had beat it out of him -- apparently, the Catholic schools weren't immediately on-board with the new-fangled Protestant bullshit that the government was trying to impose on them; the entire parochial school system was created in response to the Protestants using the government to impose their religion on all students and blocking any public funds from going to Catholics for their own schools, a legislative and legal legacy which now prevents Protestants from being able to divert public funds to their own sectarian religious schools --
Karma does work!. BTW, the 1940's lawsuits challenging the teaching of Protestant religion in the public schools were filed by
Jewish parents. Do you have any idea why, after a couple millennia of pograms and other Christian atrocities, Jewish parents might have some feelings about Christianity being jammed down their childrens' throats? No, I didn't think that you would.
So, Buz, we aren't being especially damned because of the gays, but rather it started back in the 1950's with religious sectarianism, the very antithesis of the ideals of America. Or to quote the main protagonist of the new TV show, "The Newsroom": "I'm a conservative, but I don't blame global warming on gay marriage."
BTW, Buz, Dr. Adequate poses an interesting question. Since America has become Sodom and Gomorrah and you, as Lot, must flee it, where are you going? What nation is righteous enough for you? The Taliban regions of Afghanistan come to mind.
Oh, and don't let your daughters corner you in a cave and get you drunk. Unless you happen to be into that kind of sick stuff.
Edited by dwise1, : Catholics opposing Protestant bullshit being imposed on them by the government