foreveryoung writes:
There is nothing lying about that ad. Everyone who isn't brainwashed knows obama believes exactly that....people who are successful did not achieve that success on their own merits.
Seriously? That doesn't even make sense. Do you even know anyone who believes that? I don't normally look on Dr Adequate's more denigrating posts with any favor, but his
Message 229 seems appropriate in this case.
If Obama really meant what the Romney ad has him saying, why did they have to edit the speech? Could it be because they couldn't find Obama actually saying what they want people to think he believes?
Anyway, if what was clear to everyone else wasn't clear to you, all Obama was saying in that part of his speech is that government plays an important role in every business success by providing necessary infrastructure, like bridges, roads, and essential services like water, sewer, firefighting, police, regulatory enforcement, etc. He was trying to make the point that it isn't just business alone that contributes to the success of America. It's a partnership between business and government.