That's because a large amount of democrats expected miracles.
Miracles, or just owning up to the campaign promises? Don't write checks your butt can't cash, as they say.
Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken | PolitiFact
But that's not why they're pissed. He's a Nobel Peace Prize recipient and is every bit the warlord GWB was.
I watch a lot of news, speeches, etc. I pay attention to people's words when they talk. You can say I've fallen in love with Obama. I see a lot of genuineness in him.
That's odd, because for the exact same reasons, I see him as nothing more than a sycophant who is ONLY in his position on account of his orations.
On the other hand, I am convinced Romney is a functional sociopath.
Well, no argument from me that Romney is a huge doucher, but Romney and Obama are essentially the same people from a political point of view.
I just don't understand what happened. If I recall, I remember you not caring very much for him citing that you both were from Illinois and knew he was shady, for lack of a better term.
"Reason obeys itself; and ignorance submits to whatever is dictated to it" -- Thomas Paine