CS writes:
I wanted to talk about what Obama meant, not really defend the ultimate accuracy of everthing I wrote in that post
You are writing "ultimate accuracy" like we are quibbling over symantic nuance. To confirmopposite to your previous assertiontoo many corporations do NOT pay their fair share of taxes.
CS writes:
what was the point Obama was making?
If you are not expecting Obama or us to really defend the ultimate accuracy of everything he stated in the video, then it seems you already understand the spirit of his assertions:
CS writes:
I agree that we all rely on the infrastructure that the government provides.
Yes, but to be extra clear, in addition to unfair reduced taxes, some corporation's success stem from subsidies or on-going corporate welfare. And many corporations use subsidized research and development originally meant for university studies and military projects for their success, e.g., velcro, microwaves, internet, etc