Remember this spectacular idea wasnt it, give the banks more wiggle room to lend pople money right what could ever go wrong?
And in short term it worked people got money lots of it and as they had money they spent and spent like never before ok like back at the time of the stock market bubble. The economy grew like it did back then but there is one slight problem with bubbles they tend to burst. So then what happened some bloke just had to ask this mortgage that i bought how much is his house actually worth. Oh we gave that previously homeless still unemployed bloke 100 000$ to buy a 10 000$ house and the mortgage is secured by that 10 000$ shack. But hey you can buy a risk free pack of mortgages if you want where the house is worth more then the mortgage. Well tough luck sir it turned out when most people foreclosed in that neighbourhood that the value of the houses in perfectly risk free mortgage pack you bought youst dropped like a stone and thats not all since they figured out that they are paying a mortgage of a value of 300 000$ on their house but an identical house their neighbours owned is up for sale for 100 000$ they decided to stop paying and get the neighbours house instead.
And what other splendid ideas did the deregulated financial institutions have, derivatives hell if anyone knows what they are but people traded with them like crazy, or how about a risk free buying of a almost bancrupt company gutting it completely and making money of of it. Hey its a grate policy if the company fails you have a profit, if it dosent you have a profit wonderful i wonder who payes for all this profit?
Yea deregulating financial institutions was a splendid idea. And lets not talk about the tax cuts oil companies got you know the companies that where gaining more and more profit because the prices of oil sky-rocketed yea they deserve a little tax brake. And the filthy rich also deserve major tax cuts because they are job creators i love being called that a job creator if i dont get some tax cuts right now i might not create more jobs, or if i do i just might fire some people and use the money i gained from the tax cuts to automatizate positions i had to pay people to do.
Do you know what's gonna happen if a noter republican comes to office i do, lets deregulate some more and cut taxes some more that's gona help the economy or at least its gonna fatten up my wallet a bit. And if it do sent we are TOO BIG TO FAIL anyway.
Christianity, One woman's lie about an affair that got seriously out of hand
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