Although I heard in the USA they are building one (ark encounter according to google), in the Netherlands, last week one was finally finished and opened for public. How I ended up there? I was staying at my uncle and aunt, and my uncle, who's a vicar, took me and my cousins for a visit. Here's a wiki link of it:
Johan's Ark - Wikipedia
I must admit that the size was impressive, but otherwise, it was the first time I visited a creationism museum. It even had a ''science center'' AKA a board with some common arguments and asserting the flood is possible, and evolution is not. Another sector displayed some tools that would have been used building a ark. Since it we stayed 2 hours, it was enough to make me feel a bit of cognitive dissonance, especially since I took care to not show it to my family. None of the arguments were really new to me, but I still haven't memorized all the countering information well enough to dismiss it instantly.
I think this is the first actually finished ark in the world that has full scale. The wikipedia article explains how he got the funds. I wonder how high those loans and donations were though, especially since he has attracted foreign attention in his undertaking. And he's been working on this since 1992, so it's his life's work as well...
Edited by Kairyu, : No reason given.