Drones provide our government the ability to attack targets that feet on the ground could not such as targets of opportunity or behind lines/borders....ect. This may be a bad thing.....bad Intel....snap decisions....ect.
Carrier based aircraft made the battleship obsolete, drones are the next step in how we fight wars.
Moral objections to certain types of weapons have been around for a long time, chemical weapons after ww1, nukes after ww2....ect. Allied use of incendiary devices in ww2 to create firestorms is at least, if not more objectionable than the use of nuclear weapons.
I believe it is how we use our technology and weapons that define us. Drones allow us to do things that 20years ago were unheard of. Sadly this ease of attacking our enemies has led to an increase in innocent deaths.
It is not about the tools of war, it is about how we use them.
Edited by fearandloathing, : No reason given.
Edited by fearandloathing, : No reason given.
A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.
― Edward R. Murrow
"You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them" - Ray Bradbury