Hi Razd and others,
Glad you started a new thread.
I am doing good. I had my third of 12 treatments last week and side effects are manageable. Some first bite pain cold sensitivity while actively on chemo and for a few days afterwards. Worst effect is the fatigue. I spend my unplug day and the day after (every other Fri and Sat) dozing on the couch9.
Best news is I'm back to work. I came back this past Monday and have had no problems putting in 9 hour days. I am totally ready for jammies and couch by the time I get home

The only reason I'm putting in longer days this week is to help cover some hours next week when I won't be able to work the whole week.
I'm still in the midst of some fear for the future and for my kids but it gets better every day. I believe the doc is going to check my CEA marker again next week, hoping it continues to go down.
~~ Asgara
A Pain In My Ass | my journey through colon cancer
Edited by Asgara, : switch to non admin mode