So do high rates of traffic at porn sites mean creationists surf there in droves?
Percy should propose a written debate, posted prominently on both sites, unedited and uncensored, to remain in perpetuity...
Just to see how they run.
Creationists come to EvC, have their heads handed to them, and leave: if traffic is down due to a lack of creationists, that's because creationism can offer no champion worthy of the name. In general, creationists who do come here for debate lose the debate, then flounce back to their porn sites (actual or intellectual), or try to provoke suspension--"I didn't lose, I was thrown out." But I can't recall large numbers of suspended creationists.
Alternatively, those folks could give me unfettered posting privileges at their site.
I'll be their huckleberry.
"If you can keep your head while those around you are losing theirs, you can collect a lot of heads."