A nice subject / thread You created here, but it still might be lost, the discussion might be going into perdition once more, because the Opening Post is using a very bad translation for EL (ELYON).
The Hebrew EL (which means ELYON; most High righteousness) must not be applied to the deities' names such as elohiym or god(s). You know ELYON has nothing to do with common generic designations for deities.
both words to not mean the same; both words to have the opposite meaning.
The first of ten transcribed laws as originally written says
You'll have no god/elohyim (oracle) at all. That is, no religion at all.
And that is why EL (ELYON) has been very badly translated for the religions,
mistranslated as god or elohyim (a common generic term, a common designation for deities).
You know the common generic term elohyim must not be applied for EL, because You see that the most High righteousness always had utilized elohyim or god for deities, (that is, EL always had utilized the common generic term god or elohyim in reference to the deities, things we don't like; e.g. god or elohyim when I'm referring to any deity or abomination, a common generic deity, a god or anything we don't like, a god as the deities that are less than nothing.
Simple solution: Find the real meaning of My ancient Hebrew word EL (Aleph - Lamed), You realize it is the Abbreviated form of ELYON, which means The most High righteousness. You know it has nothing to do with the common generic term: god or elohim (which means oracle). The first of Ten commandments as originally written says You'll have no god/elohim (oracle) at all.
Edited by celestialGyoud, : update