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Author | Topic: I Know That God Does Not Exist | |||||||||||||||||||||||
PaulK Member Posts: 17998 Joined: Member Rating: 5.6 |
quote: I think you need a bit more discussion on that point. Ask yourself, is the absence of evidence for an elephant in your living room evidence that an elephant is not present in your living room ?
PaulK Member Posts: 17998 Joined: Member Rating: 5.6 |
quote: How would something lacking awareness or the capacity for thought qualify as a "god" at all ?
PaulK Member Posts: 17998 Joined: Member Rating: 5.6 |
quote: But that is what "conscious" and "intelligent" mean, and you objected to that description.
quote: Neither "conscious" nor "intelligent" say anything about having a physical brain, in themselves. Most Dualists assume that it is perfectly possible to be conscious and intelligent without a brain - often going to the extent of claiming that the brain is only a "receiver" and that consciousness and intelligence reside in the "transmitting" entity.
PaulK Member Posts: 17998 Joined: Member Rating: 5.6 |
quote: The problem there is that the apologists are usually the “bad guys” - they don’t want anyone to find the truth.
PaulK Member Posts: 17998 Joined: Member Rating: 5.6 |
quote: And yet you don’t even have witness accounts of any of these things, let alone actual examples that have been investigated.(I don’t even know why you list “blood on the doorposts” since that is something the Hebrews supposedly did themselves).
PaulK Member Posts: 17998 Joined: Member Rating: 5.6 |
I did watch most of Andrew Neil’s interview with Ben Shapiro. Shapiro came off very badly. He was reduced to (laughably) complaining that Andrew Neil was a biased leftist and finally walked out.
Craig is a professional - and skilled - debater - I’d expect him to eat Shapiro alive.
PaulK Member Posts: 17998 Joined: Member Rating: 5.6 |
quote: Yes, it is. We have some pretty good ideas about the origins of morality, some understanding of intelligence and if consciousness is largely mysterious you’d still be getting into an argument from ignorance. You are producing a “solution” to these issues which doesn’t really solve anything and begs the questions of where morality, intelligence and consciousness come from. Does your presumed creator also require a creator ? If not then how did it get these properties ? And is your answer any more than assumption ? That seems thoroughly irrational to me, to throw away the progress we are making in understanding these issues in favour of a pile of assumptions. It all looks like a very poor rationalisation to me.
PaulK Member Posts: 17998 Joined: Member Rating: 5.6 |
quote: Before we get anywhere near the BB we have already left the area where we would find the origins of human morality, intelligence and consciousness. But I am not arguing from ignorance - I am arguing from what we do know. We do have good ideas on the origin of human morality which do not require an intelligent cause. We don’t see any need for an intelligent cause for human intelligence or consciousness- or any way that assuming such a cause would help us understand either. Parsimony is not an argument from ignorance either. And assuming an intelligent cause when one is not needed - even if we needed no further assumptions would go against parsimony. But we would need further and even more questionable assumptions.
quote: Who says anything about “a virtually infinite series of incredible processes” ? Evolution is well-evidenced. It shows no sign of needing intelligent guidance. Assuming intelligent involvement - based on an argument from personal incredulity - is clearly irrational.
quote: You are talking about gross violations of parsimony based on a purely subjective feeling. That is irrational. There is nothing irrational about declining to join you in your irrationality.
quote: The question of intelligent involvement is about how it happened. The “why’ questions you now prefer seem to me to beg the question by assuming intelligent involvement somewhere along the line. They aren’t arguments for an intelligent cause at all.
PaulK Member Posts: 17998 Joined: Member Rating: 5.6 |
quote: We are not talking about “knowing” - we are talking about which ideas are rationally preferable. Even if your ideas made equal sense and fit as well with the evidence - and they likely don’t - they are still far less parsimonious.
quote: It’s pretty obvious that you started talking about the “how” questions, not the “why”. But the “why” questions are even less help to you.
quote: Evolution is an inevitable (or close to inevitable) consequence of imperfect reproduction. There doesn’t need to be anything special to “kick it off”. And why exactly do we need an infinite regress ? It’s your ideas that call for it.
quote: I don’t think that preferring rationality to fantasy is subjective. But if that is the way you want to go, I guess you had better stop trying to pretend to be rational.
PaulK Member Posts: 17998 Joined: Member Rating: 5.6 |
quote: I would think that an intelligent cause would be far less likely. And your own arguments would tend to suggest that you should have an even lower estimate. But of course this is all rationalisation intended to support a predetermined conclusion. And of course, you can’t substantiate your claim of “incredibly high degree of improbability”
PaulK Member Posts: 17998 Joined: Member Rating: 5.6 |
quote: The difference is that I am not the one indulging in obvious rationalisation. You are assuming your idea as the default, immune to examination or criticism. I am not.
quote: And yet more rationalisation. For a start you were talking about the probability of the processes that lead to life. If those processes have a poor chance of working - which is what your new claim amounts to - why assume they had an intelligent cause. Moreover the page does not outline the probability at all.
"To really put numbers on those, to think very specifically about a lot of the factors in their equation, will require a lot more knowledge about exoplanets than we have now," Turner said. "We may be decades off from being able to talk about things like the total mass of building blocks on a planet's surface and things like that."
PaulK Member Posts: 17998 Joined: Member Rating: 5.6 |
quote: I don’t think that there is a default. Humans are the most intelligent that we know of. But we don’t know almost nothing about life elsewhere in the universe. Odds are that there’s someone smarter than us out there.
quote: The silly thing is that there is no good argument that a Creator is necessary, nor any good independent evidence of any potential Creator. Accordingly the argument that a Creator better explains even the existence of life is clearly wrong. Remember that I am refuting GDR’s argument that his position is the rational one. And he’s being very helpful there.
PaulK Member Posts: 17998 Joined: Member Rating: 5.6 |
quote: No, it is not important for you to be right. It is important for you to shore up your belief that you are right. And you are quite prepared to be wrong if that is what it takes. That’s what makes it rationalisation and not rationality.
PaulK Member Posts: 17998 Joined: Member Rating: 5.6 |
quote: I think you are disagreeing with objective fact right here. It is objective fact that your ideas tend to support an infinite regress more than mine. It is objective fact that you offer nothing to support the idea that your assumed creator is any more probable than the unguided emergence of life. It is objective fact that you do nothing but try to take potshots at the opposing view - and most of them miss. Did you not notice the fact that the article you cited in your last reply to me didn’t support your claim ? It is pretty clear that you want to convince yourself that your view is rational, no matter how irrational you have to be to do it.
quote: You can explain anything by the assumption that an intelligence with the desire and the capability did it. That’s why it is not rational to do so. The alleged improbability of life is still beset with massive uncertainty - as the article you cited actually says. So the easier - and better - solution is to assume that it is not so improbable after all. It is a much smaller and more defensible assumption.
PaulK Member Posts: 17998 Joined: Member Rating: 5.6 |
quote: And if you did you would be telling a falsehood. You really should stop repeating this misrepresentation.
quote: That is obviously not an explanation (unless you think that being “outside time” automatically makes a being intelligent, conscious and moral). Worse, it only creates more problems for your claims.
quote: Because you don’t care that it doesn’t work at all. Edited by PaulK, : No reason given.
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