(Note: I am not at all sure that this thread is a good idea. But, given that the thread is here, I shall try to make good use of it).
First, let me make clear that I don't hate you. If anything, I kind of like you. I think there's a decent person in there somewhere, hiding behind that external angry look.
You did not like what I wrote in
Message 187 (the other thread). I did not expect you to like it. However, I was not trying to publicly humiliate you. I was trying to draw your attention to how you come across. I tried to make the same point, in a different way, in
Message 194.
The thing to remember is that you can influence more people, more effectively, by setting a good example yourself. And you will probably live a happier life that way, too.
In any case, I could not publicly humiliate you, even if I wanted to. I do not know who you are, apart from your evcforum persona. Maybe you are my next door neighbor, or maybe you live half way around the world from me. There is no way that I could tell. You are probably somewhere in USA, but even that is a guess.
The Internet brings out the worst in people. I think it is the anonymity. So we see anger being poured out on the Internet by people who are probably much nicer in real life. I assume that is part of what is happening in your case. You are probably a lot less angry in real life than you are on the Internet. I am trying to encourage you to tone down your Internet persona to something more like the kind of person that you are in real life.
Incidentally, I don't care at all what your religious views are. Those are up to you. But I would like to see the decent person come out, instead of the angry young man that we are seeing in your posts.
By the way, if you happen to be a neighbor, then drop me a note and we can get together over a coffee at some time.
And, finally, a note about
Theodoric. I don't think he hates you. He is a bit of a stickler for details and evidence. He has pressed me to support my claims in the past, and will probably do so in the future. But I don't read enmity into that, and neither should you. I'd say that he is a pretty fair minded person, and that if you post something that he thinks is of value, he will give you cheers for that.
Fundamentalism - the anti-American, anti-Christian branch of American Christianity