Message 15
Message 17
admin writes:
If you check the Moderator Guidelines you'll see that it advises moderators to issue warnings first, and to only take action if the behavior continues. I have so far only provided notice that I will be moderating the thread, and I stated that my main focus will be rule 4. Given Faith's behavior in other threads that was often tolerated without action or even comment, I'll be extending considerable leniency to everyone on rule 10, only getting involved when it gets in the way of discussion.
In checking the moderator guidelines, I see no indication that some rules are much more important than others. When one outnumbered poster is being attacked from many different angles by multiple posters, I would expect rules for the outnumbered one to get some leniency
if actual discussions are desired by the moderation. I've little doubt that some of Faith's past behavior has broken a rule or two, but that most or all of it is simply a response to getting it from the atheists 10 fold, also tolerated without action or comment. In the explanation for rule #10, it says this in part;
Needless to say, communication suffers greatly once a discussion becomes personal.
By allowing the large group to break rule #10, communication really suffers if the lone poster quits. It appears to many non-evolutionists that your desire is only for shout-downs. It could largely be the reason there are so few non-militant atheists here - you don't seem to want them. Flat earth forums could be the same way, they don't want too many scientists. So I don't see any difference between this place and a flat earth forum. You may be wondering why I don't leave? I wonder that too, but I guess I just like the occasional amusement of the similarities of what sometimes passes for science as opposed to other lunatic fringes, like Islam and flat earth beliefs.