I'm certainly game for that, and I appreciate the suggestion, especially since I've never tried that format here at EvC. It may help keep the conversation centered on the core points I intend to deliver and demonstrate.
So I guess this is something the moderators would set up? I'm all for it.
P.S. Not that this is relevant, but I'm not going to reveal my gender here, inasmuch as I've never revealed my religious/metaphysical beliefs or lack thereof. There is a reason for that, and that's that the less that is known about me personally, the more one is able to focus on any merits my arguments have. If you're comfortable calling me a "she," that's fine, and if you're more comfortable calling me a "he," that's also fine.
Edited by Genomicus, : No reason given.
Edited by Genomicus, : No reason given.