A good number of murderer's come from two parent homes and/or have a father figure.
Timothy McVeigh was raised by his father, for example.
The conclusion that murderers are only born from single mother homes can be dismissed on that point alone. Since it isn't even a true conclusion, it has no relevance to the question in the topic: "how do we solve this problem?"
Stattistics on suicide rates and other non-point subjects you bring up is just a distraction from a real dialogue necessary to end a real issue.
Blaming single mothers is like blaiming guns, themselves. You can come from a single parent home and not murder someone in cold blood. You can own a gun and not ever shoot anyone.
No one is saying that violent people are not the problem. That's a given. But your vendetta against single mother's is your own personal problem and is not topic specific. Violent people are everywhere, regardless of the marital status of their parents.
And abortion doesn't have anything to do with gun control.
You really have nothing to contribute.
Edited by Adminnemooseus, : Hide and off-topic banner.