Modulous writes:
I think you both drifted from the original point being raised
We're well off at this point I think were currently on a tangent of a tangent of the main topic of the thread!
The moderators will act as soon as I post on topic.
They apparently don't mind you fellows off topic, but they do act against a serious religious comment that supports Genesis.
I am a non-creationist who reads comprehensively enough to recognize that the Big Bang was an "In the beginning," which was followed by a Histroy of the Earth marked by catastrophic events recorded in the six geologicl Eras of the Rocks.
There even was a Cosmic Dark Age before light appeared throughout the Universe, as Gen 1:3-5 says:
Gen. 1:3
And God, (next, after the creation of the Heavens),
said, Let there be light: and there was light, (which had been delayed by 400 million years after the Big Bang by a Cosmic Dark Age throughout all the universe).
Gen. 1:4
And (Father Nature, the Force behind the ever unfolding Reality),
God, saw the light, that it was good: and (Father Nature, the Force behind the ever unfolding Reality),
God, divided the light from the darkness (as the stars formed).
Gen. 1:5
And (Father Nature, the Force behind the ever unfolding Reality),
God, called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night.