I believe you are simply CALLING normal functioning alleles "mutations." You are not giving evidence that that is actually what they are, this supposedl reality you keep claiming it is. It's just the usual word game, the definitional "evidence" of the ToE which isn't evidence at all.
Mrs Know-it-All. Have you ever thought that the people who have actually studied genetics might know more about it than you AND that they do not have an underlying agenda. You OTOH have an preconception that the Bible is true and are willing to distort anything and everything to conform to it.
I have to gieve you credit that you have read quite a lot - enough at least that you can write stuff that almost sounds scientific. That is more that can be said of most cretins. That does not mean that there was an ounce of honesty or reality or truthfulness in anything youve wrote.
Scientists have a very good grasp on how DNA works and how everything we see in reality supports the ToE very nicely. They have not been brainwashed but adhere to the scientific method in which evidence leads to deduction, hypothesis and theories.