They're terrible and useless and should be disbanded. There's a legitimate need for local government and a legitimate need for national government. There's no rational purpose for having intermediate pseudo-state government in between.
Let them persist as historical curiosities, boundaries on a map. But state legislatures should not be allowed to make law. Your vote shouldn't matter more or less based on the population of your state, or whether you live in a city or a farm.
They do not need disbanded. They worry about issues of state, that the Federal government is not equipped to manage. For that reason states abuse the ignorance of the system that does not enforce Federal Liberty rights.
Law is the problem, not the lawmakers. Lawmakers have too much freedom in penning laws. The guidelines of federal law are not taken seriously, mostly because of a lack of definition. (i.e. Life, Liberty, and pursuit of happiness.)
I believe the voting system is very flawed. From American Idol type shows, many different voting methods were tried to get a more accurate consensus of what the voter really wanted. Mathematically, it would seem we already have a better method; the issue would be passing it into law.
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