I'm going to take just the two worst here.
In contemplating college liberals, you really regret, once again, that John Walker is not getting the death penalty. We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals by making them realize that they could be killed, too. Otherwise they will turn out into outright traitors.
John Walker Lindh, I believe, who went and fought with the Muslims against Americans, right? What is your objection to this quote? We shouldn't execute traitors? They used to, you know. I don't know if he killed anyone but he was at least complicit in any killing of Americans by those he fought with and should have been dealt with as a murderer himself. I'm for the death penalty and think keeping murderers in prison instead is a betrayal of the innocent victims, abd in this case a betrayal of the whole nation. Executing murderers is definitely a deterrent to other would-be murderers, and that's what she's saying here. Yes, she's accusing "college liberals" of being incipient traitors. Most conservatives see it that way and I'm one of them, so as usual she is making a shocking comparison in order to dramatize her point. We need a deterrent to those who already talk traitorously as a deterrent against their turning into actual traitors. I agree with her.
In other words you don't care about the hateful lies because you share her prejudices. Not exactly a defence of Coulter, more an admission of guilt.
These self-obsessed women seem genuinely unaware that 9-11 was an attack on our nation and acted as if the terrorist attacks happened only to them. I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much.
I'm going out of my way to defend her because I hate the way she's taken by liberals and I see what she's trying to do. She's trying to face down Political Correctness which is the basis for all that misguided moral indignation the liberals keep condemning us by, which is nothing but their own political agenda. I never saw the widows talk about these things but I would guess that I might have seen their general demeanor as Ann did, as more interested in their rights than in the gravity of the situation and even their own loss. I might have, I don't know, but I usually find her insightful about such things.
I think we can dismiss the idea that the widows should be more concerned about the world situation than their personal tragedies as another example of Coulter's callousness. But even so, to accuse the widows of being HAPPY that their husbands had died ? That goes beyond callous. And...all you say about it is to suggest that she is probably right ?
So to sum up what Coulter is doing is quite clear:
Her main intent is to destroy the political opposition by spreading lies and hate, and we can see that she puts political point-scoring above everything else, not even neglecting the victims of tragedy but encouraging others to neglect them too.
I think that these are quite sufficient to qualify her as "hateful".
Edited by PaulK, : No reason given.