There are usually two groups of people: those who think Ali G is real, and those who think Ali G is hilarious. IOW, there are those who are in on the joke, and those who are the joke.
Stephen Colbert is the Ali G of the GOP. Ann Coulter is real, unfortunately. It just seems that way because she's so out there.
When it comes to Ann Coulter, I can't help but think that people like FEY are the joke.
People like Coutler and Tucker Carlson, and the like, are based off of real people delivering mostly true feelings. Of course they've built an audience and play to them now, but it stems from a real personality.
If she was trolling, or doing what Sacha Baron Cohen did, as a performer, it wouldn't last this long.
- Oni
Edited by onifre, : No reason given.