I see that many evolutionists place alot of stock in it. They've removed reason from life and have succesfully reduced the whole of life into life or death as the measure of success.
I'm not an evolutionary biologist but I do support evolutionary theory and I'm not sure why you think this is true. You can measure success in life many different ways. It is simply a statement of fact that reproduction is how genes are passed on, and a trait which is not well suited for an environment faces a disadvantage (perhaps fatal) toward continuation via reproduction.
So, if nature removes the desire to procreate with members of the opposite sex, then there is no way for them to pass on their genes, which again, is supposed to be the sole purpose of any organism that resides in a purposeless universe, right?
The language doesn't seem appropriate to describe the scientific theory of evolution at all. And if it is a purposeless universe, then reproduction can't be any being's sole purpose.
In truth people can choose many different purposes. If anything the earth alone, much less the universe is overflowing with purpose. If a homosexual finds purpose in reproduction then they will likely engage in that act, regardless that it does not match their overall sexual preference.
That said, I still agree that if a person simply will not have sex with anyone other than a same sex partner, they aren't going to be reproducing. If everyone "becomes" that way, though I am uncertain how that would occur, it wouldn't benefit humans in the reproduction department.
It sounds like someone is trying to find good reasons for why homosexuality exists when there just are no redeeming natural qualities actually found.
Whoa whoa whoa. All I did was explain how a gene that might "cause" homosexuality could continue to propagate, even if it prevents reproduction. It could do so by not always causing homosexuality in every person that carries the gene, and having another purpose that might be beneficial in some way (healthwise). From what I understand genes can produce more than one effect in a living being.
If you were to say that you are gay, then be gay. If you claim that nature created you to abate the population, then let it be your lot in life.
I totally admit there is something strange to claiming that gays have some purpose when at the same time you see them not doing so, and indeed struggling not to have to do so.
But that is a problem with a specific group of gay advocates, and not with all gays. I don't buy what appears to be your argument that being gay requires anyone not have sex for procreative purposes. I guess I should add that I think its rare that anyone is 100% homosexual anyway.
Evolutionists of the atheistic persuasion, however, cannot see any purpose beyond gene selection.
I'm an evolutionist and relatively atheistic (agnostic) and can tell you there is much purpose beyond gene selection. In fact I don't see how gene selection is much of a purpose if it could count as one at all.
The only thing evolutionary theory sets out is how emerging life is shaped via physical environment working on generations worth of genetic changes during reproduction.
holmes {in temp decloak from lurker mode}
"What a fool believes he sees, no wise man has the power to reason away." (D.Bros)