Spiritual Atheist writes:
No no I am not saying that an Atheist automatically has delusions of grandeur. I am saying when you watch Atheist like Dawkins and Dennett in debate or better yet read their books you will get the distinct impression they think that complete total Atheism solves everything .
Well I've read Dennett and Dawkins and I don't see how you come to that conclusion. Dawkins doesn't even call himself a complete and total atheist - he leaves a little space for a deistic god, not much, but a little.
But atheism, by it's definition solves nothing - it's just a non-belief in god, not a solution.
That science as it is now in biology and evolution and neuroscience on the brain explains everything to do with life and consciousness.
Well this is just an obvious truth - biology explains life and neuroscience will probably explain consciousness. But it'll take a while yet - we've only just started.
Life, don't talk to me about life - Marvin the Paranoid Android