Faith writes:
I think it's a matter of knowing it's God's word, really truly is God's own communication to us.
jar writes:
So two fowl and seven fowl are the same number?
You know she won't answer you. Can we move on?
This is from the first post, started by an EvC member long gone and forgotten:
So, is the Bible the inerrant word of God? Or is it the words of men?
I would say it doesn't really matter.
I mean, even if it was god's exact words, just how far are you going to believe them?
Just take Jesus as an example. What do you think would have happened if he came and said "Your whole conception of how the world is and was made is wrong, let me tell you how it really is." ?
Were the authors inspired?
Is so, Is the Bible word for word literal or is it thought for thought literal?
If not, where did these authors get their information, insight, and story telling ability? What was the source of their inspiration?
Edited by AdminPhat, : No reason given.
Edited by AdminPhat, : clarification and redirection of topic