Colbard writes:
In Isaiah 31:37 KJV Bible, It is claimed by God that the foundations of the earth cannot be searched out. Check out Proverbs 25:3 as well.
There is no Isaiah 31:37, while Proverbs 25:3 says, "The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable." It seems to be saying that we cannot find the height of the heavens or the depth of the Earth. The height of the heavens is meaningless, while we of course know the radius of the Earth fairly precisely.
What do you think might be the reason the interior of the earth cannot be discovered?
I'm not sure what you mean when you say the Earth's interior "cannot be discovered." If you mean that it can't be scientifically studied, then of course that is wrong. If you mean we can't visit the Earth's interior ourselves to study it in person, then this is true beyond a depth of a few miles, and the reason is due to practical constraints having to do with increasing temperatures and with the difficulties of maintaining a shaft that deep.